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° At The Hospital °

• | Odell's Pov | •

I hate coming to these damn hospitals because they take to damn long.

I hope my baby girl is good though. Can't afford burying her. The kids laid in my arms and eventually was falling asleep.

"You good bro?" Spot asked and I nodded.

Next thing you know, Brandy and a dred headed nigga running in the hospital. Must be Marcus.

"YOU ASSHOLE!" Brandy slapped me in my face.

"Brandy, Calm down." Marcus said and he held her.

"You should've been watching her! You know she just started walking! " She yelled. I completely ignored her because if I say sum, I would really hurt her feelings.

"Mam , Were gonna have to ask you to keep your voice down." A lady said. Brandy gave her a 'dafuq' face.


I have no clue why she's acting so damn ghetto right now.

I laid the kids by Rachel and Spot and got up grabbing Brandy's arm.

"Nigga let me go! Its your fucking fault Laina is in here. You should've been watching my damn child." She said to me.

I pulled her outside. "Listne, I don't know the fuck you think you are coming in here with this nigga and yelling at me like I'm your fucking pet but to need to calm your ass down." She slapped me across the face. I bit my lip trying so hard not to hit her ass back. Plus , cameras are right there and I'm not about to go back to jail.

"Odell I'm taking my baby with me after this. And for now on , she's staying with me. She's not staying at your fucking house anymore." She tried walking away but I pulled her back.

"I'm the one who fucking made her! You can't have a fucking baby without me so therefore , she's gonna be at my house when the rest are."

"Get your hands off of me!" She pushed me.

"And I mean what the fuck I said. Don't make me ..." I paused shaking my head and walked pass her bumping into her arm.

"Yeah , you scary ain't go do shit! Punk ass nigga." She said and I ignored her. I'm really trying so hard not to hit her ass.

I sat back down and my leg started shaking. Everyone was looking at me and glancing. I didn't care though. She lucky were in public.

•  | Brandy's Pov |  •

This nigga got me fucked up if he think I'm gonna just sit here and let him talk shit in my face.

I swear to God, Laina is not sleeping at that fucking house anymore. Unless I have something to do.

I sat down across the room next to Marcus.

"You good ma?" He asked and put his arm around me. I nodded sighing and then Rachel sat next to me.

"Hey guys." She said and I did a fake smile.

"While y'all were outside , the doctor said that she's doing really well. She just hit her head and gonna be light headed and have headaches a couple of times. But he gave us these for her. He said we can go see her , but we wanted to wait for y'all to come back. So y'all ready?" I nodded and we got up. Spot held Harmony and Odell held Jayden.

I walked with Marcus and we all walked to Laina's room.

We walked inside and I seen my baby girl in the hospital bed sleeping. I immediately broke down crying and ran to her bed.

"My babyy!" I cried and kissed her hands.

"Thank God she's still here." I heard Odell say. I gave him a death glare and rolled my eyes laying in the bed with Laina.

Once everybody kissed Laina and stuff , We started leaving.

Odell went to get A'Laina, but I stopped him.

"I told you Odell. I'm not playing." I picked her up and she went back to sleep on my shoulder. 

"You aint gotta be a bitch about it damn ." He said and Marcus came over and punched Odell in the face.

"AYE!" Spot then punched Marcus in the face and they all went at it. They tried to jump Marcus and he was getting beat a little bit fighting both Odell and Spot , Marcus won. ..

"Babe , stop!" Rachel grabbed Spot. Security then came in and broke the whole thing up.


I buckled Laina in her seat and we got into Marcus's car. He got inside with a towel under his nose.

"Let me drive." I said. He looked at me. "Nah ma , I got it."

"Marcus please. It's the least I can do. Thank you." I said and he smiled getting out. We walked pass each other and he smacked my ass.

I blushed and we got inside.

We drove back to my house and then Marcus said he was gonna stay the night.

I'm glad he did. He helped me move Laina's crib into my bedroom and laid her inside.

"Thank you Jesus." He said and I agreed.

"Lets to take a shower." He said and I nodded.

•  | Odell's Pov | •

I made it home and got ready.

Rachel got Harmony and Jayden while of course Brandy crazy ass got Laina.

So Tonight , I'm gonna go out just to clear my head before I some fucked up shit.


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