19 ~ R.I.P Spot Jr

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° | Brandy's Pov | °

I cried in Odell's arms while Spot was holding sleeping Laina.

"Baby, she's gonna make it. Don't worry. She's a soldier." Odell said rubbing my back.

"He shot the baby...He shot the baby...He shot the baby...He shot the baby...He shot the baby..." Is all I heard Spot kept saying. I got up and went over and hugged him.

"She's gonna pull through." I said wiping his tears. He sighed sitting his chin on Laina's head.

I sighed and sat back in Odell's lap.

"At least we won't have to worry about Sage anymore." Odell said and I grinned. "I know," I said.

"Family of Ms. Rachel Martinez?" The doctor said. We all stood up. "Doctor is she okay? Please tell me she and the baby are okay." He closed his clip board.

"Well..I have good news, and I have bad news. Which one you want first?" I closed my eyes putting my head down. I can feel the worst coming.

"Just give us both "

"Well..The good news is...She made it. But, the bad news is...she's had a miscarriage. We found the bullet and it went to the baby's heart immediately stopping the heart. I'm so sorry for your loss." He said.

"NOO!" Spot yelled and broke down. I took A'Laina from him and Odell got on the floor with him.

"I-I was so ready.." he cried. I felt a tear hit my hand. I wiped my tears and the doc rubbed my baxm. "It's okay. If you guys want to see her, you can. We already informed her about the baby, so she is extremely depressed. She's be in depression for the next two days. To stop it, make her feel better. Change the subject. Once again, I'm sorry. We've tried everything we could." He said.

~ ~ ~

"I've failed! I've failed as a parent." Rachel cried. I hugged her as she cried in my arms. "No, you didn't Rach. It's gonna be okay. You can keep Laina more often. Besides, you can always try again." I said trying to cheer her up. She sighed.

I looked at Odell who was falling sleep in the chair with sleeping Laina in his arms.

"I'm suppose to be like that..." Spot said. He was looking at Odell. "Guys, I know your upset. I know. But we can't do anything about it. He's gone, that's the best of it. We can see the grave." I said.

"Brandy you don't understand. We were so ready!" Rachel cried.

"I don't big sis, but I don't want to see you two depreasing all the time. Y'all need to sign up for a class to relax." I said. They both looked at me like I was crazy.

"How the hell you know all this?" Spot asked. I laughed a bit.

"I watch a lot of videos." I said. And they laughed.

"Is that a smile I see?!"

"Shut up." Rachel said.

Just then, a nurse came in. "Excuse me? Would you guys like to see the baby one last time?:

"Yes please." Spot said

° | Spot's Pov | °

My baby boy was beautiful. He looked just like me. My skin color, nose,  and all.

I'm so hurt that I've never even got to hold him. His pale lifeless body. I put my head against the window watching his body. I looked over at Rcahel who was crying with Brandy next to her.

I put my arm around her flat stomach. "He's beautiful. Looks just you Spot. Even though he's pale." Brandy said and I smiled a bit.

"He's gonna be watching over us." Rachel said. I looked down at her and she laid her head on my head .

"Like I said, you can always try again. Lemme get a picture for Odell." Brandy said.

"Yeah, I don't want kids right now." Rachel said. I sighed and we stayed a little longer.

"Sir, you guys have to go.." The nurse came back and said. I nodded and took one last look at my boy. I blew blew little kiss to him and we walked back to the room.

"Besides what were we gonna name him?" Rachel asked. I put my arm around her waist as we turned the corner.

"Spot Terrence Jr." I said. Rachel smiled.

"Aww." She stopped and I kissed her lips.

"I love you." I said. "I love you too babe." I smiled.

I don't know how I'm gonna recover from this shit. How am I supposed to tell the fam?

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