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• | BRANDY | •

When we got out, I thanked Samantha and told her to text me. I grabbed Harm's hand and looked back at the road for a second.

" Mommy , Are you okay? " I nodded and we walked to the door. I still don't feel comfortable.

I unblocked the door and Paris was laying on the couch.

" Hey! Off the couch. " I said and she jumped down and ran to us. I laughed and the house was quiet, still.

" Odell? " I went upstairs and to the kids bedroom seeing them still sleeping but Laina wasn't in her bed. I ran out her room and to Odell's bedroom busting into the room and seen him and Laina sleeping with Laina snuggled close to me while he hugged her.

I grinned and took a quick pic with the caption of, She's such a daddy's girl 😭💋

I posted the pic on Snapchat and locked my phone back. I begin walking to the door when Odell called my name.

" Yeah? " I answered turning around. He looked at Laina and slowly got out of bed. I walked out and he followed stopping in the hall.

" Why you look like you seen a ghost? " He asked and I shrugged unpinning my hair. He lifted my chin with his finger. " You can tell me ma." He finished.

I sighed and sat down on the floor andn he sat next to me.

" I think I seen Marcus today at the mall. " I said. He sighed.

" This is why I didn't want for you to go in the first place. I know your a grown woman and stuff , but still. I'm trying to protect you ma. No telling if it was him or not. Could possibly be him. For now on , I want for you to stay home. If you need to go anywhere , I'm coming along. I called Spot men and their gonna book a flight out here. They probably gonna be here by tonight. Just so you won't be bored and so if that nigga try anything. " He said and I smiled a bit.

" Thanks. " I said and she grinned and pulled me into a hug.

" I told you ma , I got you. " He kissed my forehead.

Maybe Odell is right. I should just stay inside just to be safe. Maybe that we Marcus nem passing. 

Even though Odell have many ups and downs, we still come back strong. Co-parenting and somehow become together funny right? 

•  •

" We should go wake the kids now , they been sleeping for a looong time. " I said and he nodded as I went get Laina and he went get Jay.

• | ODELL | •

Hearing what B told me made me more and more angry.

The kids were down stairs eating I grabbed my phone and inboxed Marcus on Instagram

" Dada , were woo going? " A'Laina asked. " daddy's just take this call , brb. " I said and went on the patio texting him.

Me : " Aye man , I don't know who th fuck you think you are coming down here to Louisiana trynna stalk Brandy but look here yungin , ima I would suggest to just leave her alone . "

Omgits.Mar : " Nigga who the fuck you suppose to be ? Jus because you the baby daddy don't mean shit .You ain't fucking daddy to Brandy . Yeah I'm down here bitch and im here to take Brandy back home . She dont need to be there with your ungrateful jealous ass . Light ass well his give her over Beckham . 😏"

Me : " Over my dead body . "

Omgits.Mar : " Fine . Dont want go do the easy way ? Hard way it is . Watch your back Beckham . 😂😂😂😂"

Me : " Your a dead man !  Gonna be joining your punk ass cousin Dominic in hell soon my nigga . Be ready too . "

•   •   •

After that, there was no reply.

I don't know who the fuck he think he is. I'm gonna protect every last person in this home if it's the last thing I do.

I screenshoted the messages and sent it to Spot.

Me : * picture message* " Lil nigga got a whole lot of balls . 😂"

TheOfficialSpoty : " Weak man ! We got this in a bag . Gonna be easy just like Dominic . "

Me : " Exactly . But text me when yall get here . "

TheOfficialSpoty : " We leaving at 12 . "

Me : " Ight . "

•   •

I locked my phone and smirked putting it in my pocket.

I went back to the kitchen and no one was there. I looked out back and everyone was playing outside.

The kids were running while Paris and Brandy chased them. I smiled as I watched.

Brandy is an amazing mother. Yea its hard, but we make the best of it. She's strong, independent, gorgeous, and just an sweet person. 

Someone that I really have love for. Lots of love that I will never lose.

I want to regain that strong love like we had and be able to finally marry her. We were close, but shit had to come up.

I want to regain that again. Have my family back.

It'll be a dream come true.

For the both of us.

Just new to get this drama out of all of lives, move away, maybe somewhere up north, and then live life.

Expand the family probably.

Nah , I'm jus kidding. No more kids.

2 more wouldn't hurt , right? 😕



• Odell is so 😍😍😍 !!!

• More children ?! Damn Odell !

• What do you guys think of the story so far ?

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