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• | Marcus | •

I watched in the window as Odell left. I smirked the whole time while holding sleeping A'Laina. Damn, this girl makes me wanna go to sleep.

I've been playing with the kids since 8, and its 10!

Laina usually wakes up late though.

•  •

But back to what I was saying, now that Odell is going back home to Louisiana, I have a greater chance I
Of making Brandy mines.

Won't have to worry about her going over there any more.

Like I said, fuck him. I'm gonna be the new man of the house.

I mean I already am, but... you get it.. right?

• | Odell | •

I didn't wanna the way I left, but I have no choice. Now that I'm back ' friends ' with Brandy, we can work on things. Bettering for the kids.

I really did love Brandy. And I still do. Was planning on going back to her, but I guess shit ain't gonna happen.

I'm gonna have to wait a while before thinking about going back with Brandy.

Or maybe I should move on?

Moving on from someone that you truly love for the longest time, is very hard. Its challenging. But with the new baby coming, I want for her to be happy.

I don't want for her to stress because of me. Because then I'll have to deal with Marcus ugly ass.

This nigga does the most pettiest shit to Brandy when I'm around. He wants for me to be jealous, but that's not gonna happen.

He would run her stomach and she would smile, he would put his arm around her neck, They would be laughing, he would keep glancing at me and smirking, like nigga what the fuck you looking at?!

I know I'm not handsome than you, but damn!

•  •

I'm leaving behind a lot of things when I go to Louisiana, including my kids. But they have Brandy, and Marcus there to comfort them.

Besides, like I said in gonna come back to Cali on the weekends to come get the kids or maybe for a week or 2.

Better not hear from none od them that Marcus hit or touched them in any kind of way because that's gonna be the day I go back to jail for murder. 

•  •

I also want to be closer to my family. Now that my mom and I back on track, I want to cherish more time with her. She won't be here for long anyways.

And, I want to spend time with th sister, cousins, and few high school and college friends.

I'm not gonna really say and I know I said it before, but I don't really want to move on to another relationship, but if it comes down to that point, then I am.

But from what Brandy told me, I don't know any more. She said she doesn't want Marcus more than friends, but she got pregnant with him and to get pregnant, YOU HAVE TO HAVE SEX!

Who knows how much sex they have.

She can just be lying to me just so I would stay.

I just need time to myself. I want to be here for my kids, not Brandy.

•  •

Can't wait to get to my mama's house and get some of her food.

I'm gonan stay at her house for a few nights, find my own place, and then move out.

• | Brandy | •

I closed the door behind myself walking in the house seeing Marcus going upstairs with Laina sleeping on his shoulder.

"Mama , I miss daddy." Jayden said. I picked him up and sat him on my side.

"Me too." Harmony said. I sighed going to the couch and sat down. Jayden came sit on My lap while Harmony cuddled close to me.

"Babies , I know you guys are gonna and are missing daddy , but he's gonna be back." I played in both of their hair.

"Why did he leave?" Harmony asked. Her big pretty green eyes looking at me.

"Daddy .... Daddy wants to go and help grandma back in Lousiana. Grandma really missed daddy and so he went there to go and comfort her like he does you guys." I said.

"Mommy , do you love us?" Jayden asked and I frozed.

What the hell?

Where did he get that from?

I sat him up. "Jayden where did that come from?! You know mommy loves you!" I fussed. He looked at Harmony and back at me and then he started crying. I sighed and laid him down on me.

"Jay , Mommy's sorry okay? You know mommy loves you and your sisters but that just made me upset. I didn't mean to yell at you , okay?" He nodded and yawned rubbing his eyes.

"You guys are sleepy huh?" Harmony nodded.

"Come on , you did wake up early. Let's go back to bed." I put Jayden down and we walked upstairs to their bedrooms. 

After, I sighed and walked down the ball stopping by the mirror that was on the wall. I raised my stomach admiring my stomach. Still, there was no baby bump but there will be soon.

• •

I just can't forget that question Jayden asked me. I know he probably thinks I doesn't " Love " them because I aban - no , let me rephrase that.

He probably thinks I doesn't " Love " them because I left them with Odell for 2 Weeks and never called or anything.

During that time, I didnt know who I was anymore.

•  •

I walked inside my bedroom going to the bathroom and putting my hair into a messy bun. The door closed and then the light in my bedroom went off. Only light that was on, was the bathroom.

This is nobody but Marcus.

"Marcus , I'm not in the mood." I said looking into the dark room. I walked out the bathroom and walked towards the lights. I was stopped and felt Marcus's hands on my waist and his deep hot breath on my neck. I also felt his member poke my ass. 

"Mar , No." I pushed him away turning on the light. He was naked with nothing but his briefs on.

"Marcus what the hell? I know you wasn't trying to have sex with me." He laughed and walked towards me. He grabbed my face kissing me and rubbing my body.

"Mmmm..Marcus , moove." I said pushing him away and going into the bathroom. I picks up my rubber hands and stuff and Marcus wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Don't worry , I'm not gonna try to do anything." He said and I eased up. "Oh , just checking."

We both laughed and got in my bed and talked , told jokes , and watched videos.

Things that best friends do right?


Single Mother 2 ~ ODELL BJ | DONE |Where stories live. Discover now