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Amber's POV

"Harry mother fucking Styles get your ass up!" I forcefully yanked the duvet off of his curled up body, walking over to the window, opening the curtains. He mumbled something incoherent before turning over from the sunlight, that now poured into his room.

"Harry seriously its five in the afternoon." I slapped him upside the head in which he didn't even budge.

"I'm leaving for work soon Harry!" I shout. God my roommate is so stubborn.

"Now. Get. Up." I tugged on his legs with each word spoken, his tattooed arms holding onto the bed posts.

"Nooooo." he wined, attempting to wiggle his legs out of my grip.

With one final strong yank, his hands slipped and he fell out of the bed. 

"Fucker." he grumbled, pouting like a five year old while he sat crossed legged, and arms folded over his chest.

"Jesus why does it take so much to get you out of bed?" I groaned before walking out of his room.

Once showered I braided my hair and twisted it into a bun. Applying eyeliner & mascara, with a bit of foundation, I walked to the closet pulling out my dull uniform.

I pulled the low-cut grey top over my head and the tan khakis up my legs, grabbing my black pumps and throwing them on.

I walked into the kitchen to find a shirtless slob eating the dinner, I fixed for myself. 

"Harry what the hell!?" I screamed while putting on my earrings.

"Good Morning to you too."

"Shitfucker, I was going to eat that!!"

He burped and sloppily wiped his mouth before responding "Whoops sorry. Thought it was for me." He twisted his lip ring.

"Fucking asshole. Hate you." I stormed towards the door grabbing my jacket and purse.

"Love you too babe! Have a safe trip!" he yelled after me, chuckling.


"Hey Jake." I shimmied my coat off, walking behind the bar counter, my heels clicking with each step. Jake had nice ocean blue eyes, brown hair, and a smile that could brighten any day.

"Hey Amber. How are you?" He asked, wiping down the counter with a white rag. His muscles flexing with each wipe under his cut off checkered shirt. 

"How do you think I am? I mean I'm working countless hours at this shit hole for below minimum wage." I sighed grabbing a apron and tying it around my waist. 

He nodded, agreeing.

"Aye little lady!" A guy in his late 30's called to me. 

I walked over to him, with a small notepad and pen in hand. I smiled politely, a smile he didn't return. He gave me a more of a perverted smirk. His eyes never left mine as he took out a cigarette and light it.

I awkwardly coughed "So what can I get you today sir?"

"Mhh depends if you are on the menu." he chuckled, his rotten teeth showing, as his buddies joined in. "Good one John!" one of his friends patted him on the back.

"Yeah? Well I'm not asshole so what do you want?" I rolled my eyes

"Do you guys serve racks of meat?" he snickered as I followed his eyes to my chest.

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