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Harry's POV

Today is the day. If I am going to do this, it has to be today. I know that if I wait any longer, I wont be able to do it.

I apply gel to the roots of my hair before pulling it out of my face and upward.

"Are you going to tell me where we are going?" Amber asks, coming into the bathroom and wrapping her small arms around my waist from behind.

"I did." I smile, still messing with my hair.

"No, you only said 'We're going out.'" She says in her best Harry impression which actually isn't half bad.

"And we are." I say and I cant help the smile that cracks on my face when she groans, shoving her face into my back.


Amber's POV

Harry finally stops the car from motion and I take a good look around before getting out. We are parked on a dirt road that is surrounded by tons and tons of vines. To the right of us was a large white building with "Ceaser's Winery" written in red paint on it.

"Harry, we are at a winery." I say, stepping beside him.

"I know." He laughs, taking my hand in his.

"Why?" I ask because he knows I only drink wine.

"You will see. Be patient."

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were trying to get me drunk." I state and he bellows out a loud laugh.

Once we've reached the steps of the house, we walk inside and are greeted by an elder lady. Her hair is fading silver and she is in a overall pant suit.

"Hello. How may we help you?" Her fragile voice speaks.

"Hello. I made reservations under the name Styles." Harry says.

I read the old lady's name tag, that was printed with the name Angel as her frail fingers scanned a list.

"Oh. Here. I'll have a tour guide with you soon." She smiles and I smile back as we take a seat in the waiting chairs.

 "First date?" She asks, trying not to be too nosy.

I glance to Harry and shift uncomfortably in my chair when the air grows quiet.

"Yeah, actually it is." Harry leans over kissing my cheek and my face is burning pink.

"Oh, how cute." Angel beams, clasping her hands in front of her.

"Hello! I'm Andrew and I'll be your tour guide today!" A younger man walks into the room, loudly announcing his presence.

After we have introduced ourselves, we are led out the back door.

We stand on the back porch, in awe of the beautiful land ahead of us. Thousands of vineyards go on for miles and miles. Never seeming to end.

"Amazing, isn't it?" Andrew asks and I nod. "Alright first stop on the tour is the wine tasting." He says leading us to a barn.

When he opens the barn doors, a large wine cellar comes into view with wooden barrels of all types and flavors of wine and I hear Harry laugh at the awe state that I am in.

We grab small glass, taster cups and begin to sample wine. Although I did notice that Harry made sure I drank more than he had. Andrew slowly walked us throw, naming and giving us the history of every wine that touched my tongue.

After almost 15 taste cups later, I decide it would be best for me not to drink anymore, I'm already feeling a little woozy from so much wine. 

"I liked the Pinot Noir the best though." I state and I'm not sure why I said it out loud. "Its light and refreshing."

"Syrah was the best for me." Harry says, rubbing the small of back.

"Oh! That's a male favorite." Andrew states his fact to Harry and Harry nods. "Now it is time to crush grapes and make your own wine." He says and I immediately get excited.

We approach a large wooden bucket that is sat in the middle of a large vine field. I rush to take off my shoes and I don't even care that at the moment, I am wearing my favorite shirt.

"Slow down, hun." Harry says, just now only pulling off one shoe.

I step inside, feeling the little grapes crush underneath my toes. Harry steps in beside me and I can tell by the look on his face that he doesn't enjoy the feeling of stepping on mush.

"You're just gonna wanna run all around, get them really crushed." Andrew instructs and I listen.

Its harder to run in mushy grapes than you think. Harry has already gotten out and it hasn't even been ten minutes.

"I think that should be good enough." Harry laughs as I come to the edge of the large bowl like structure.

"Aw, I was having funnn." I draw out the word, pouting at the end.

"There is more fun to come." His large hands rest on my waist, then leans in for a kiss. "C'mon." He says, breaking the smooch and lifting me out of the tub.

After we have wiped our feet and Andrew tells us that we have one more stop to go and that our wine, made from the grapes we just crushed should be ready by time we leave.

We've walked for quite a while until the vineyards have disappeared and nothing but an open field is in front of us.

"Um," I say questionably as I see what I think I see. "Is that a hot air balloon?" I question, squinting my eyes from the sunset.

"Harry! You got you a hot air ballooon?" I slur.

"No, I got us hot air ballooon." He mocks.


"There it is! Have fun." Andrew says walking away.

A new instructor introduces herself as Kaylee and goes over all the safety rules and boring stuff, that I don't pay attention to.

We are finally up in the air and there sits two wine glasses and a tray of cheese and crackers. I grab a glass and down it before pouring myself another. God, its been so long since I've had wine. It taste so amazing.

"Maybe you should slow down." Harry says.

"You are right." I say, gulping down another glass.

Harry draped his hand over my shoulder as we looked out at the beautiful landscape. I take another swig of my drink and Im almost one thousand percent sure that when we get off this balloon, I wont be able to walk.

The last thing I really remember was my glass being taken from my grip and a pair of thick lips leave a quick peck to the base of my neck.


Hi! Sorry it took me so long to update .x

I really love to see comments so please don't be afraid to leave your thoughts, constructive criticism or something please (:

Lol when I was writing this Drunk In Love came on shuffle. Ironic. And fyi Amber is sorta kinda hella tipsy so if she is overly excited and stating random things that why.

You'll understand what Harry was talking about next chapter. Ya know "I have to do it today." lol 

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