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Harry's POV

My breathing is hitched in my throat and all the color has drained from my face. For a second I believe I'm dreaming and this isn't reality. She sweetly smiles at me before walking past me and into the hotel room.

"I've missed you." She says, her hazel eyes glistening and her bluish-blonde hair falling just under her chest.

"Bambi? I.." I'm at a complete loss of words. How is she here? How could this be? "Amber how'd you.. How is this possible?" I say walking towards her.

I want to wrap my arms around her and tell her how much I've needed her to be here with me.

"Are you going to hug me or continue to babble?" She giggles before opening her arms and engulfing me. She feels light as a feather and as soft as a cloud and I cant help the uncontrollable tears streaming down my face.

"I'm sorry." I whisper. "I know I can never make up for this, but dammit Bambi, I'm so sorry." the tears continue to pour.

"I just came to say goodbye." She says into my neck "Thank You, Harry. For everything." Her soft lips press a kiss to my cheek.

"Bye? Where are you going? You've just got here.." I say as she pulls back from the hug.

"I'm scared bumble bee." she says wiping the single tear from her face "But I'll be happy now.. I'm no longer in pain."

"What are you talking about?" I ask my forehead crinkling in confusion.

She only smiles one last time before walking through me and through the door.

"AMBER WAIT!" I quickly rush to the door, yanking it open to find no one. Nothing in sight. I frantically look down each end of the hallway.

What the in the actual fuck is happening to me?

I fall to my knees, clutching the carpet beneath me. My mind flashes back to Amber's face and she looked healthy. In fact she looked better than healthy. As if she was glowing.

Was she really here or have I finally lost it?


Ms. Urns' POV

I stopped slicing the bell peppers when hearing the phone ring. I wiped my hands with a towel before picking it up off the base.


"Yes, Is this Ms. Amanda Urns, Amber's mother?" a frantic male voice asked.

"Um Yes this is her. How may I help you?" my face scrunched in concern.

"We have some news about Amber." he sighed.

After being instructed to come to the hospital immediately, I grabbed my purse and sped to the hospital.

"Where is she!? Whats wrong doc!?" my voice is shaky and I cant contain any emotions I'm feeling at the moment.

I see Harry's girlfriend whom I have met all but once walk pass me and out of the hospital doors, she doesn't notice me as she pulls on her sunglasses. I wonder what she is doing here and why. Does she have family here?

"Calm down ma'am everything is going to be okay." Dr. Evans' hand rested on my shoulder as he guided me to the Intensive Care Unit.

As he opens the door, I rush over to the bed, my hand caressing my daughter's face.

"Somehow her life support tube had fallen out. She flat-lined for about five minutes, but our doctors were able to revive her." Dr Evans approaches the bed with a clipboard in hand.

"But there was something strange about this incident." he says

"Something strange? What do you mean!?" I asked still in a frantic state of mind.

"The tube that connects your daughter to life is only removable by hand. It wouldn't just fall out." He examines the machine before turning to me again.

"What? So you're saying the someone purposely tried to kill Amber?" I whisper unsure of my voice.

The doctor only nodded slowly. But that isn't even possible. Amber never associated herself with anyone remotely dangerous. Her only true friends were Jake and Harry and they are both amazing people. Despite Harry's tattoos and piercings, he would jump in front of a bullet for Amber if he had to. He was the most sweetest person even though he portrayed this thuggish punk.

"Besides being moved back into ICU she was doing okay." Dr. Evans scans his chart for any valuable information to tell me.

"Thank You Doctor." I say and he attempts to put on his best smile before walking towards the exit.

"Wait." I said and he stopped in his tracks, turning towards me. "How is the boy?" I asked, remembering the little guy who attempted to help my baby but ended up in this disaster.

"Ah, Allen. Unfortunately he has gotten worse. He is awake if you'd like to visit him. Room 378." He rocks on his heel then toe.

I only nod and he returns the gesture before leaving the room and I sit in silence with Amber for a little while longer before kissing her on the cheek and walking towards room 378.


Louis' POV

Zayn & I thought it would be a good idea to cheer Harry up. Being best lads with him for the past few years or so, we have never seen him so down in the dumps. I wonder what is it that makes him this way. I understand he has strong feelings towards Amber but Christina is his girlfriend. Why doesn't he choose to realize what he is doing to her?

We stand in Target debating over what movie would cheer Harry up the most. In my opinion I think 'Pay It Forward' is a bit of a sad movie and it would only make him sadder but Zayn insist on getting it.

"I think the Avengers would be a good one, no?" I ask and Zayn only shrugs. I guess he is tired of going back and forth with me so I win!

"Avengers it is!" I laugh as I take it off the shelf.

"Avengers it is!" Zayn mocks me as he walks away.

We walk towards the candy aisle and grab Swedish Fish some of Harry's favorites.

After paying we reach back to the hotel and unlock the door. As we walk in our room Harry is underneath the blankets and I'm assuming he is sleep.

"Harry!" I whisper in attempt to wake him.

"Harry c'mon!" I shake him slightly.

And that's when I realize it isn't Harry, I rip the blankets up from the bed to find four pillows lined in a line.


Sooo basically this was the worst chapter ever. I am utterly disappointed in myself. :( I'm sorry! I hope it made sense.

So basically when she flat-lined, she was dead and her spirit went to visit Harry, so he wasn't hallucinating.

But where did Harry go? I think you know! (;

Thank You for reading! .x

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