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Amber's POV

I thrashed beneath him, but he refuses to let me go. My eyes are so blurred with tears I'm not able to see anything but a blob of brown curly hair. Underneath the terrible lighting in the bathroom he looks almost yellow.

Reminds me of a bumble bee. When I was a child a bumble bee was a sign of hope.

Each time we saw one my mother would whisper "Look, there is hope." And as I child I was clueless to what she meant. Until I got older, I understood then.

"Please, leave me here." I scream and his face remains still and almost emotionless. His hand leaves my forearm and grabs the razor from my hands and pries it away, throwing it off into the distance

His free hand ghosts my jaw and I can feel the tears streaming down my cheeks. Harry's jade eyes scan my paled face, only to soak in sadness. His body straddles mine to the bathroom floor and his other hand captures my two above my head.

"Please Harry .. Let me go." I sob and squirm underneath him

"Please.." I quietly mumble.

"Please..." I repeat 

He stays silent, his thumb wiping away the tears that flow carelessly from my hazel eyes. My body jolts each time I suck in air, continuing to sob. It feels like I've been punched in my lungs and I cant breath.  

"Stop fighting me." he releases my hands and brings his hands to my face, forcing me to look deep into his eyes. My hands immediately reach up and push against his shoulders.

"Shhh." His gentle voice quiets me.

"Let me help you." His lips brush against my ear and my body finally stills.

"All I want to do is help you Bambi." Harry lifts his face and my eyes fill with confusion as I sniffle repeatedly as I try to stop crying.

He has never called me this before and I cant help but for the tears to continue despite the fact I had almost achieved for them to stop falling. Why in the hell did he call me Bambi? Like the fucking deer? Is he insane?

"He cant get to you. I'm here for you." My eyes close at the sound of his voice. It is smooth like velvet and sounds like silk.

His large hands wrap around my body and pull me up from the floor. My dainty fingers lace through his green cotton t-shirt, clutching on to him for literally dear life. He lays me down before walking away. My body immediately is set to panic until he comes back with a semi-wet cloth.

He dabs my wrist a bit, I wince slightly and he shushes me again, telling me Im okay, that I am safe with him.

Harry is a angel. Whether he chooses to believe it or not, he is. He saved me tonight. And I know he doesn't view it that way but I do. Without him breaking the door from its hinges to the bathroom, I would be dead right now. I should be. God I feel like I want to be.

Regardless of his gauges, or eyebrow piercing, or his 100 tattoos, he is my angel.

I will never tell him this though. Ever.

He applies more pressure and I find myself squealing in pain as his free hand covers my mouth, muffling my screams.

He tosses the towel to the side before laying on the bed beside me. His hands fall around my stomach as he pulls my body on top of his.

My head nuzzled into his hard chest, I whimpered as the cloth of his shirt rubbed against the newly open wounds.

His arms went to wrap around my back and held me tightly.

"Don't let me go.. not tonight." I whisper so quietly that if you would have breathed, you would have missed it.

Harry sharply took in a surprised breath before clearing his throat.

"I'd never let go Bambi.."

Bambi..? I could get use to that. I sigh as my eyes close and the only thing to be heard is his steady heartbeat beneath me.


It feels like my eyes are glued shut and I attempt to open them. I literally with all my force peel open my eyes, one by one. They flutter a bit until they come into focus. I search around the white room and it takes me a moment to realize I'm in a hospital bed.

My head is throbbing severely and I feel faint. 

I look down at my arms, bruises litter everywhere. My hands reach up to touch my face and all I feel are lumps, like my face had been beaten or something.

My fingernails are cleanly picked and a clear polish is swiped over them. The nurses must have done so.

I attempt to speak but nothing comes out. My throat is dry and sore.

I reach over to the stand, grabbing the red emergency button, my fingers fumble a bit before pressing down on it. The button begins to screech and flashes red. Not helping my headache much.

A nurse comes running into the room and stops dead in her tracks. She stares at me as if i've got nine head and a tail, he mouth agape.

"DOCTOR SHE IS AWAKE! DOCTOR!" She runs out the door bringing back a doctor and a medical team and they all act as if they've seen a ghost.

"That's.. That is utterly impossible." The doctor in the white trench coat, whips off his glasses and rubs his eyes trying to confirm what he sees is real.

What are they talking about? I'm fine, aren't I? What happened to me?

I attempt to search my brain for any memories, any memories at all and the only one I can seem to find is a boy with chestnut colored hair and green eyes. I think his name is Harry?


HELLOOOOO (: I'm sorry for writing it so shortly! ARgh I gotta start making these things longer! Did you listen to the song? If not this part sucks lol But Thank you for reading! Amber's memory/dream takes place around the time her and Harry first met. Harry didn't date Christina yet! But Who was Harry protecting Amber from?

I hope this story is making sense!

I hope you liked it! Comment/Vote it really makes me wanna update! .x

So Amber is awake? What happens next? Muahaha guess again! (;

Comment/Vote/Fan/Share .x

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