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Harry's POV

I can hear Amber's body slid down the opposite side of the door and I sigh taking a seat on the floor in front of the door, my back leaning against it.

I notice the slight sobs that are falling from her mouth and I want to comfort her, I want to be there to hold her and tell her what a dick head I am, and to apologize.

"Amber?" I whispers and the sobs become quieter but she doesn't speak.

I rise from the floor and open the door, and she falls back, her head hitting against the carpeted floor.

"Shit." I rush to lift her up and she shakes me off as she stands to her feet. "Sorry." I rush out and she backs away from me.

"Baby, say something." I desperately demand as the silence is piercing the chilled air. The only problem was that silence is a sound itself and its screeching loudly, painfully filling my ears.

 "Please." I beg becoming more desperate than I ever knew was possible as I stare at Amber and she looks almost scared.

"God, I'm so sorry." I break down, hiding my face in my large hands. "I'm so stupid, I shouldn't have said anything. I know what I said was out of line. Please talk to me." I cry and I feel her dainty fingers running through my hair.

"Out of all of the few times we have argued, you couldn't go any lower than that." She whispers.

"Fuck! I know, and Im so sorry." I take a seat on the bed and I bury my face into her stomach, wrapping my arms around her waist and she continues to comfort me, her fingers not seizing. "Please,"

"Harry, stop. I understand. Sometimes when you get upset, you say things you don't mean." Her lips leave a kiss to the top of my head

"I have to say something." I sigh falling back, taking her with me as she now straddles my body.

"If you are going to apologize again, you can save it." She giggles, her hands wiping away the stains that my tears left behind.

"That too, but something else and Im kind of nervous to say it." I rub my hands up and down her back as she leans her head against my chest.


"Well .. Um, I think-" My voice was cut off by my mother opening the door.

"Oh." My mother muses, when she notices out position. "Making my grand babies, tonight?" She smirks.

"Mom, shut the fuck up! Get out!" I yell, my face flushing and Amber's hand slaps against my chest as she slides off me.

"Oh Harry, dont go getting your panties in a knot! I just wanted to see if you wanted anything before your father and I go to sleep." She questions. "A cuppa .. Some lube? She might be a little tight." She smirks innocently and sometimes my mom never knew when to stop.

"Mom!" I shout, attempting to control her mouth.

"No, thank you." Amber answers for us, she doesn't seem the slightest embarrassed and my mother nods.

"Okay, goodnight Amber, goodnight my love bug." She blows me a kiss and I'm mortified. Who the hell is love bug? I sigh, throwing one of the pillows on my face as Amber and my mother share a laugh at my expense.

"She is sweet." She smiles, as soon as my mum closes the door, removing the pillow and nuzzling her face into my neck.

"No, she is annoying."

"You remembered to lock the door, right? We just moved in and I don't want a burglar breaking in and we haven't even been there a week." She ignores my statement.

"Yes, I did. We will be back there tomorrow jeez." I laugh at how much she worries.

"We will, but only to pack. We are going on that camping trip." Her eyes close at the statement.

"I do not want to go." I huff.

"We. are. going." She speaks through gritted teeth and I decide to let it go, not wanting to provoke another fight.

Soon we both drift off into a peaceful sleep.

"You've got to stop drinking and hanging around with those people!" Mother's voice is furious and almost cracking with how loud she was trying to yell.

"You don't tell me what the fuck to do!" I scream.

"Hey! You watch the way you speak to your mother!" My father's voice chimes in.

"Fuck you! Fuck both of you!" I pace towards the door quickly and my father grabs my arm.

"If you leave, don't ever come back." He speaks quiet but fierce and raging.

"I don't plan on it." I yank my arm from his grip, opening the door and slamming it as I hear my mother sobbing from the inside.

I don't know where I am going or what will happen next but I sure as hell know that I wont be staying there.

I walk down the street, the warm air whipping around my face, and I cant seem to calm myself.

I approach a random alley way and I begin to scream, punching the wall over and over agian.

"Fuck! Shit! Dammit!" Were only some of the profanities that left my mouth.

"Hey! Stop that!" A female voice yells to me, but I don't stop.

"Stop! You are going to break you hands!" But I'm so pissed off, I cant stop.

"Hey!" She shrieks, grabbing my arms and pulling away from the brick walling but I thrash in her grip.

"Are you okay?" She pants, after I stop my movements. "What are you doing out here!? Its like three in the morning!" I shake her grip off of me and turn to look at her.

"Do you not speak English!?" I look at the girl with dyed orange hair, and she is wearing a long black jumper and knee high socks.

"Are you deaf?" She attempts to do sign language but fails.

"No." I mumble, my breathing still abnormal from being so pissed.

"Okay, may I ask why you are here and what you are doing?" She asks, she has these beautiful hazel eyes that glow underneath the moonlight.


"Right." She begins to walk back across the street to where her home was. "Are you coming, or not?" She smiles as friendly as she could and my feet move before my brain can even react.

My eyes flutter open from the sunlight now pouring into my small childhood room and I slightly jump when I notice Amber watching me sleep.

"Sorry." She apologizes for startling me. "Did you sleep well?" She considerably asks.

"Yeah .. I .. I dreamt about the day we met." I say, moving a strand of hair from her face.

"Mhh?" Her eyebrows frown in confusion "Why?" 

"I guess, I think about your angelic being so much, that not only you invade my thought but my dreams to." I say and she pulls my face to kiss her. 


I don't care what anyone says, I literally have the best readers. You guys are amazing and I want to say thank you so much for over 200 votes and 4k reads! That's crazy! Love you guys lots, little toaster pops!

The italicized is Harry's dream. I believe he was trying to say something before his mum walked in XD His mom is too much! omg! I hope you liked this! It was way longer than usual! .x

Whats gonna happen next? (;

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