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Amber's POV 

Harry's tattooed arms flex as he picks up a box moving it from the rental truck into our new apartment. Luckily our new flat is on the bottom floor. The climate, a bit of a warmer day - summer soon approaching - and I sporting a nice spring jumper.

We've been moving our things all day and Harry has left to go get the last and the biggest box. Sasha has already made herself at home by sleeping on my new, much larger bed.

I walk into the house, setting down the last box of dishware on the kitchen counter.

As I step backwards, I am met with a male's body. At first I think it is Harry but when a hand clasps over my mouth, I instantly know it isn't him.

I reach for the telephone, quickly dialing 999 before the phone is knocked from my hands, smashing into pieces.

"Scream, if you want to." He whispers in my ear. I begin to kick and thrash in his hold but its no use.

"You should be more careful about keeping your life more secret. It was so easy to find where your new address would be." He laughs.

"Did you enjoy, my brother's visit to your hospital room?" He chuckles and my brain flashes back to the strange man who came into the room then out the window that one night.

"You look prettier than, he said you were." His dry and chapped lips leave a disgusting kiss to my neck. I bring my foot down to stomp on his foot before elbowing him in the face. He doubles over in pain as I am set free.

I run towards the front door but my leg was caught and I tripped. I tried to crawl towards the door when Harry comes in.

"What the hell!?" He quickly sets the box down before taking quick strides towards where I laid.

The man comes into view from behind the couch, snatching me up before Harry can reach me.

"Nolan!" Harry shouts at the guys who I assume is Nolan.

"Its been a while, hasn't it Harry?" He laughs, twisting my arms further behind my back and Harry steps forward. "Another step and she is dead." One of his hands, reach behind his back and pulls out a gun.

"What the fuck is this!?" I yell, struggling to escape his death grip.

"What do you want?" Harry grits his teeth and I can tell he is going to loose it. His face is turning red and his body is visibly shaking.

"How's your dad, Amber?" Nolan questions.

"How do you know about that?" Harry quips back.

"Your fucking father, killed my brother!" He yells, ignoring Harry and twisting my arms again, it feels as if they'd snap at any moment, tears are running down my face yet again.

"My only brother! He was all I had left!" He sobbed, his hand slipping from around my mouth to my neck.

"I'm sorry." I whimper.

"Fuck your sorry!" He screams, the barrel of the gun connecting with my forehead.

"Police. We received a call from this address." A two police officers come rushing into the opened front door.

When they see the scene unfolded in front of them, they reach for their guns on the utility belts.

They attempt to talk him down but he refuses. Harry stands there like a deer in headlights.

"Just please, let me go." I whine. 

Memories of the night John had attacked me flood my memory and I feel faint. Its like deja vu. Except this time someone is here to save me.

One of the cops had eased his way behind Nolan, forcefully ripping him away from me and I sigh in relief. Even though I was no longer his captive, I was frozen in place.

"Fuck!" "No!" "Let me go!" Were only some of the words Nolan was yelling as he fought for freedom.

"Bambi." Harry whispers, out of breath as he pulls me into his chest.


Once the cops have collected information, they left with Nolan in hand cuffs, screaming of vengeance. Harry told the officers that we had no idea who he was and that it was an attmept robbery.

"I seem to be the cause of all the bad things in your life." He sighs, resting his head in his hands. I want to reach over and kiss the frown away from his face, kiss away the pain. Tell him how much he is wrong but at the moment, I am stuck here.

After that Harry only repeated two words over and over into my ear: "I'm sorry." I don't even notice that I am crying again until his index finger wipes them away slowly.

"Please don't cry. I'm tired of seeing you cry. It hurts me. It makes me feel terrible. Knowing its my fault, I just cant bear it. You aren't safe with me." 

"No. I'm not safe without you." I lean across the bed, hugging him from behind. "Please don't ever say that again." I sigh, my cheek resting lightly on his back.

"I liked the sweater you had on today. Its probably my favorite of all your shirts." He randomly blurts out and his face simmers of a tomato, highly embarrassed.

"I didn't mean to say that." He laughs nervously. "I just .. I just cant explain how I feel about you." His fingers run through his hair as he turns around and I sit up on my knees.

His thumb picks up my chin, running over it before gradually climbing to my lower lip. His eyes shine in the dark and they look extra green in the moonlight.

"I don't want to be with anyone but you." He whispers bringing both his hands up to my face before leaning in.


If you don't remember Nolan is the guy from Germany. But yeah. Lol Hi. Idk. 

The next chapter will be dirty. If you don't like that, you can skip it and then after that we have one more chapter I think. This story has like one - three chapters left. I think.. I.

Wrote this in school so sorry if its like not good.

Whats gonna happen next? (; .x

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