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Harry's POV

"You fucking did what!?" I scream and she lets out a small whimper.

"I know, I shouldn't have but I was so jealous. I just thought that with her out of the way that.." Her voice trails off.

"Bitch are you insane!? Like out of your fucking mind!?" I yell so loudly my voice cracks with the last word.

"Harry please-" Christina's voice remains at a low and calm tone.

"Shut the fuck up! Just shut up." I shout, cutting her bullshit in mid-sentence and the tears that she was trying to hold back finally fall down her cheeks.

My hands raise to my face in attempt to calm my swirling mind and to keep them from wrapping around Chris' neck. I would never hurt her but I'm so angry at the moment that I don't trust myself.

"I'm sorry, okay?" Her finger reaches up and wipes away the tears that are trailing down her face and my stomach is in knots.

"Get out of here." My voice is incredibly low and I'm sure my face is beaming, the neck veins bulging out. "Don't ever speak to me again."

"Harry-" Her hand reaches out to touch me and I flinch away, my mind going berserk.

"Go! Leave!"

"Listen to me please." Her hand rests on forearm, which I shake away harshly.

"Get the fuck out of here!" I raged and she didn't blink as she scurried away and down the steps.

"I'm so sorry." She says before disappearing, out of sight.

I cant seem to wrap this around my head and I feel dizzy. To even begin to think that this would ever happen. It feels so surreal. For a moment I believe that I am dreaming and this is a nightmare that I will soon wake up from. The water droplets that drizzle on my face soon bring me back to life. The realization that this isn't a dream hits me. Hard.

I take a deep breath before going back inside. Amber stood in the hallway, blanket wrapped around her arms tightly and she doesn't look any better than before. 

"I was only checking to see if you were okay, You took so long." She smiles whole-heatedly. "I was starting to get lonely." She laughs a bit.

"Yeah. I'm okay." I say not in the mood for jokes or smiles.

"You sure, babe?" She questions, obviously sensing something was wrong. "Who was at the door?" She asks when I stay silent.

"Christina. Christina was here." I answer truthfully. There is nothing to hide and I wouldn't want to hide anything from her.

"Oh." She says, the smile on her face not fading one bit.

"You don't want to know why?" My fingers run through my hair.

"No. She wanted to talk to you privately so it should stay between the two of you." She shifts on her feet and I almost tell her anyways but decide against it.

 "Come here." I open my arms and she slides into them, as I wrap my arms around her while her arms stay buried in the blanket.

"Jesus, you are burning up." I pull her away from my chest and she groans, trying to dig her head back in place but I manage to get her away.

"You are running a fever." My hand places over her forehead. "How did you manage to get sick?" I kiss her the center of her forehead and she shrugs.

"I'm fine, really." She moans, resting her head back onto my chest.

"Here lay on the couch." I walk her over to the couch and help her to sit. I flip on the television and try to move away but her small index finger grasps onto my much larger thumb.

"The only way that I'm sitting on this couch and watching reruns of Girl Friends is if you are underneath me, rubbing my back and kissing the nape of my neck while your hands rest on the lower of my hips." She says, her fingers move slyly to the side of my hip.

"Even when you are sick, you are horny." I chuckle and her mouth gapes open.

"What!? That is not at all what I was talking about!" She shouts a bit, coughing slightly after.

"Sure thing, baby." I rub her back to ease her cough and she finally calms.

"Please." She begs, pouting and as much as I want to I cant.

"I'd fuck you senseless. Until you are screaming my name so fucking loud and I'm pounding into you so hard that you com-" I laugh as she covers her ears.

"Okay!" She cuts me off. "I was talking about watching the television with me while I fall asleep to your steady heartbeat, not that .. um .. other stuff." She says turning pink and my heart swells.

"I would love to but I need to go get you some medicine and pick up a few other things from the store." I rub my finger along the back of her hand.

"Then I am coming with you." She stands from the couch and I immediately push her back down.

"No. I will be back quicker than you can blink." I tap my finger on the tip of her nose when she sniffles.

"I have blinked and you haven't even left. You are going to be gone forever." She whines and I find it cute that she wants nothing more than to cuddle with me.

 "Stop, I'll be right back." I chuckle and she nods. Its amazing how she can bring me out of a crazy mood into a happy one in seconds with just the sound of her voice.

I rush to put on a pair of shoes before grabbing my car keys. 

"I'm going now." I walk over to her.

"Okay." She rolls her eyes still pouting as I reach down and kiss her cheek.

"If you weren't sick, I'd take you down right here and shove my tongue in your mouth while you are moani-" I whisper against the shell of her ear before kissing it causing her to involuntarily shiver.

"God, go!" She says trying to hide her laugh as I walk over to the door, twisting the knob.

"And Harry?" She calls and I look back. "I will be your girlfriend." She says, coughing a bit more.

I don't say anything as my mouth has no clue how to respond. I only stand there with a giant goofy smile on my face as I close the door. This girl is amazing. She is so perfect and I couldn't want her any other way. I promise to protect her until the day that I am six feet under. Hell, probably even then.


So Amber caught a little bug on their first date and got drunk, bummer. I think there are a few more chapters and an epilogue left. I'm not really sure. Depends on how I am feeling. I don't really know how to end this story lol idk

I think that was a little foreshadowing in that last sentence (;

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