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A/N I know they dont speak English in Germany but in this story they will lol. (; .x

Harry's POV

My eyes scan across the vacant room in front of me as I stand in the doorway.. I find myself squinting, as I see small clear lines, that lace the room completely. The beams run from the ceiling to the floor and from wall to wall.

Its a old trick, Mr O. use to teach us. The room will appear bare to a untrained eye but when in actuality its booby-trapped. I remember him saying the clearer the lines, the more the effective the poison gas is. And these beams are almost invisible. I don't see how it would even be possible for me to get pass this.

I sigh as I quickly rummaged through my brain, trying to find anything that he said would deactivate the death trap.


I cant seem to remember anything.

I assume the only way to turn off this thing is for someone to go through it. Like, really? That's the stupidest thing I have ever heard. Who invents something that doesn't have a off button. Fucking Faggot.


I have my phone!

I pull it out of my pocket and notice I have about four missed calls. Its a unfamiliar number and as I try to call it back, I notice I have no bars. Fucking no service.

Fuck This.

I quickly bend down and  grab my shoe off my foot. I don't know if this is gonna work but its worth a shot. I throw the shoe through the vast room and swiftly closed the door before the poison could get to me.

I slid down the door and wait patiently for the gas to disperse in the room next to me. 

Fiddling with my thumbs, and for once my mind is on Christina is the only thing filling my mind other than getting the hell out of here and of course Amber's health.

I wonder how Chris is doing. How come she hasn't even called me or texted, after all she is my girl.

Its been a little over forty minutes and I'm sure the gas is gone now. I stand up and take a deep breath, holding it, I hastily open the door and dart through. As I reach the next door, I yank it open. 

What the hell?

I look to my right then left and there are two large men standing there armed. Before they have a chance to react my elbow forcefully pulls back, slamming into the guy's (on right) nose. The guy on the left is coming at me and before I can do anything he has my arms.

I struggle and wiggle with all my might.

I kick my leg up hitting him right in the balls and when he lets go to grasp himself in pain, I bring my fist down to his jaw twice.

I grab the guns from their backs and continue to walk.

I'm not sure where the hell I even am.

I find a set of cement stairs that led to a door. I run up them and open the door to meet outside.

As I look back from where I came from it was like a shack made of cement. In the distance I can see a large house. I quickly ditch the guns in the bush and jump over the tall fence. All that damn training payed off.

I run down the sidewalk and reach for my phone to call and cab and its not there. I frantically search my body and its not on me.

"Shit!" I grunt in frustration.

I sprint back to the fence and there my phone lays on the other side.

I drop to the ground and reach my hand underneath in attempt to retrieve it. I struggle for a bit but manage to grab it.

I continue down the street and then I stop in my track when I realize I don't even know where I am.

"Ma'am! Ma'am wait!" I call out.

I notice a elder looking lady walking past with her dog in a purple jogging suit. I was hoping that maybe she could tell me my location. But I guess not since she only skeptically walks around me and quickly walk to the other side of the street.

I keep going down the street at a fast pace and I notice a small child playing on their bike in their driveway.

I look around before squatting to speak to the kid.

"Hey there." I say

Her grey eyes only scan my tattoos and piercings and I'm sure she is frightened. She looks about eleven, she should know her address.

"I'm not gonna hurt you .. I just wanna know you address." I smile the most friendly smile I could muster.

She stays silent and I wait for her to speak but she doesn't.

I sigh as I stand up and begin to walk away to find someone else.

"Its 598 Temper Avenue... Germany" she says, surprising me.

"Thanks." I smile again as she finishes telling me the address.

As the cab arrives, twenty minutes later, I tell him to speed to the nearest airport and I literally throw the money at him as I sprint out of his cab.

"I need to get to London. NOW!" I shout at the lady behind the desk.

She looks startled and nervous as her hair reaches up to swoop her bangs back into her ugly ass bun.

"I.. um.. one second." She stutters, holding a finger up to me as she looks at her computer. I tap impatiently on the counter.

"There is a flight to London, in two hours." She says, her eyes not meeting mine.

I slam my fist down "I need one. Right. Now." I grit my teeth and she only nods her head before going behind the door and disappearing and returning shortly with her manager.

I sigh as I take a seat after buying a ticket. I decided against choking out the short, bald-headed prick of management. I rest my head in my hands as I contemplate on stealing a plane and flying myself to London. 

I look up and see the last two people I need to see at the moment.


Omg Okay So I was suppose to update to days ago but on Thursday I had homework! And I thought I was gonna be able to update and do it but I couldn't! And Then Friday I have the poorest excuse lol I spent the day learning how to twerk/wall twerk and yike. And I just wanna say I'm a pro now lol So Im sorry (: .x

Sorry for Shortness! .x

Soo whats gonna happen next hmmm? And who does Harry see? Agh .x

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