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Harry's POV

When I awaken my head is pounding and I have a massive headache.  What the hell happened last night?  I grab my head to attempt to rid the throbbing pounds. This isn't my bed, its Christina's.

"Good Morning babe." Her lips purse together, planting a kiss to my cheek.

"Morning...God what happened last night?" I face palmed my forehead and swung my legs over the side of the bed.

"Well you got pretty wasted and Niall dropped you off here." 

Of course he would drop me off here, he must've knew I'd go to the bar after seeing Amber. I dont want to go home because everything in our house reminds me of her. Every single detail about the loft reminds me of Amber. The way the frames on the walls are in perfect position or the way that Amber measured the couch's angle so that it sits perfectly in front of the television when we have movie nights. The way that she'd smile coming home to a cleaned home after long hours at her job. The possibility that I'll never get to steal her breakfast again breaks my heart.

"I've got to go. I love you." I stand and lean over to kiss her.

"You don't want to spend the day together hun?" she adorably pouts

"I want to but I cant love." I pull my socks up my legs, then reached for my shoes.

"Okay I love you too. Call me later." She says getting out of the bed and hugging me. I kiss her forehead and walk to the front door.


Since my car was left at the bar I walked to its location and unlocked the doors climbing in. I rested my head on the steering wheel, sighing heavily. 

'Harry? Where is he? Why didn't he come?'  I can only imagine Amber's soft voice tremble as she called out for me. The words wont leave my head and I cant take this shit. Maybe I'll go get drunk again.

I looked down at my buzzing phone to see Amber's mother is calling. Like fucking perfect timing, no? I slid my thumb across the screen.


"Harry! Hey darling! I was wondering where Amber is.. She isn't answering her phone.." Her mother's voice carried through the line and I'm not sure whether I should tell her or let her find out from police.

"Mrs. Urns.. Amber is in a comma." I sigh as the words leave my mouth and I'm struggling not to break down and cry and the line stays silent.

"Harry... What do you mean?" her voice is quivering and I'm sure she is seconds from crying.

"Do you think we can meet somewhere?" I ask. I rather tell her mother about the situation in person than over the phone. It seems more appropriate. She agrees and I text her the address of a coffee shop near by.


Mrs. Urns wraps her delicate arms around me and I pull her in for a hug. Tears stream down her face as she is soon sobbing in my chest. I only  hold her tighter and attempt to reassure everything will be okay. After breaking the news to her she was in such shock and she wouldn't bring herself to believe me. She finally broke down and I stood from our small coffee table located outside and hugged her.

She asked me to accompany her to the hospital and I agreed even though I could bare to see Amber in her condition.

As out feet carried us towards Amber's room her mother's grip on my arm became tighter and tighter. The nurse in front of us said she was doing okay, she hasn't progressed or regressed so far. She reached for the doorknob and twisted it open before stepping aside and letting us walk inside the room.

I sucked in a deep breathe before allowing myself to walk into the room and towards the bed. As we stopped just a few feet away from where Amber's barely lively body laid. I looked down at her mother whose knees seemed to become jello as she slowly but surely slid down to the floor.

"Nooo!" She cried out as I crouched to her level, her hand still gripping my arm.

"No No No Not my baby!" She continued to scream. All I could do was hold her hand and attempt to hold her.

"Why? Who would do this to my baby!?" She yelled and sobbed and was full out having a melt down. Doctors and Nurses rushed into the room to see what all the commotion was. They managed to calm her down a bit but that didn't stop her from crying.

She sat in a chair that I pulled up to the bed and I stood next to her. It was silent for the longest except the quiet sniffles coming from Mrs. Urns, the sky has now fallen dark and its night time.

"I should have been a better mother." she barely whispers grabbing Amber's hand. "I know we didn't talk much but I regret not calling her daily." her other hand strokes Amber's hair.

"I know she appreciated you." I said folding my arms over my chest trying not to cry.

"I should have been a better mother" she repeated "I should have protected her." And no doubt I feel the same way. I should have protected her too.

"Why did this happen to her?" I'm not sure but I wish I knew the answer.

There was a knock at the door and a petite nurse walked in with a clipboard and announced that visiting hours are over. I nodded and she walked out.

Mrs. Urns cried more and more ask she said her goodbyes, she quickly walked out the room and didn't look back, leaving me alone.

"I'm sorry Amber" I whispered as I placed a kiss to her forehead. 

As I closed the door behind me I looked down in front of me to see Mrs. Urns staring up at me with her hands cupped in front of her face, a wrinkled tissue between them.

"Promise me you will take care of her. Please Harry. Promise me." she pleaded

"I promise." I hugged her one last time.


On my way to Niall's house I received a call from the detective working the case and she informed me that they cant find the little boy's family but his name is Allen and also that Amber's co worker, Jake, said he remembered a guy who was at the bar the night of the attack that caused some issues but doesn't remember much of his face.

I don't know who did this but I will find him.



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