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Jake's POV

I button up my jacket as I walk towards the hospital doors, flowers in hand. I meet a red haired lady named Olivia at the front desk who guides me to Amber's room. I silently thank her with a head nod before opening the door.

I pace slowly to the bed and nearly throw up at the sight in front of me. Amber's eyes are black and swollen shut, deep purple bruises sprinkle her body from head to toe. Her hair is neatly tamed and her hands are intertwined, positioned lightly on her stomach.

The room is eerily quiet. The only sound is my staggered breathing and the faint noise of the heart monitor.

I place the bouquet of roses on the nightstand next to Amber's bed. I pull up the yellow chair to her bedside and examine her. Not saying anything or touching her. It is so weird to think that this is the same beautiful Amber who I work with. She looks like a complete different person as she lays there like a vegetable. 

What, Who, Why!? are stumbling throughout my uneasy mind.

What did Amber do to deserve this?

Who would do this to her?

Why would anyone harm her?

I grab her hand and kiss her forehead after sitting by her bed for hours now. I stand to leave but not before taking one last look.

When I walk out of the room, I see the nurse from earlier, Olivia. She smiles politely before walking past me. I quickly follow and tap her shoulder, she turns to me, clipboard in hand.

"May I help you?" she asks

"Yes. The little boy.. Who is he? Is he doing okay?" I frantically ask and her face tilts in a frown, she leans in and whispers quietly.

"Unfortunately I'm not able to give that information out but he is doing slightly better, not much improvement, like Amber."

"Thanks anyways." I say making my way to the doors.


Harry's POV

I down another gulp of alcohol from the scotch bottle. Once I've finished it off I smash it on the concrete sidewalk outside Christina's house. I walk up to the door and put my key in the lock before walking in.

"Hello?" Chris' voice calls from upstairs.

"Harry?" She says as she makes her way down the steps

"What are you doing here babe?" She walks over to me and grips my hand.

"I'm not actually sure" I laugh and nearly fall into her bookcase, she quickly caught me and took off my jacket, hanging it on the rack.

She leads me to the couch and I plop down as she walks to the kitchen, coming back with a glass of water. I took it, thanking her. She took a seat next to me, slinging her legs in my lap.

I sat the glass down on the coffee table as she began crawling up my body. Her lips came down to mine as she began slowly grinding her hips into me, the news running in the background on the television.

"Someone is horny." I state before laughing that was soon cut by a moan as she teasingly pressed her hand down to my member and rubbed.

"Not so funny, huh?" I shook my head no, attempting to control my hormones.

I flip her over so that she was underneath me as I began taking off her house slippers one by one. She lifts my shirt over my head and her fingers trace circles into my tattoos and abs. I kiss her cheek, then jaw, before bringing my lips to her neck bone.

"Harry.." she hotly moans and I swear momentarily I imagined Amber saying it rather than Chrissy.

She grabs the ends of her shirt and pulls it off, exposing her blue bra. One of my hands lift to squeeze her chest. 

"Amb-" I moan until I realize what I was about to say. Christina's face scrunches in a confusing way. She opens her mouth to speak but I cut her off and say "Amber Alert!" I point towards the television. 

I grab my shirt pulling it back over my head before ruffling my curls. I stand up and walk to the door. "I'll call you baby." I say as I twist the knob, leaving Chris confused, hot, and pissed off.

"Fuck!" I yell when I'm about a block away. What the hell was I thinking almost saying Amber's name.

Dammit I way to drunk for this shit.

I walk back to Amber's and I apartment and sit on the steps. I honestly don't want to go in there and I don't want to go to any of the guys house.

I hear a small meow from somewhere nearby and I swear I'm going crazy. I turn around and find nothing but there is that meow again.

I follow the noise to find that there is a small Siamese kitten up in a tree.

"The hell are you doing?" I yell.

I climb up the small tree and pick it up, tossing it to the ground. It meows and follows me back to the apartment. 

"Okay. What do you want?" It only looks at me and then it hits me that im fucking talking to a cat.

It purrs and rubs its head against my leg and I slightly smile. I build up the courage to unlock the door and walk into our house and surprisingly the fucking cat follows.


Just a filler sorry xx (:

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