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Amber's POV

Here I am sitting at the kitchen table, my knees curled up to my chest with Sasha sleeping on the table. My fingers graze across a piece of paper with my name neatly written on the front of it. My heart is in my throat as I know who it is from. My mind is telling me to leave the letter but my hands have a mind of their own as I grab the paper, unfolding it. And My eyes begin to read. Scanning each black word and scribble that laced the white background.

Dear Amber,

From the very first day that I met you, I knew my life would change for the better. You ave this strange aura about you that I cant seem to wrap my brain around. Its like wherever you go, this bright light follows you. Anything that has happened to you recently, you do not deserve one bit of it. And its all my fault.

These last few years that I have known you have been incredible. You've shaped me to be the person that I am today. So much has happened within the last couple of months. You being hospitalized and getting into a relationship with me. You like to change people for the better. You always were one to lend a helping hand and never wanted anything in return.

In some certain way, I am thankful that I argued with my parents and stormed out of the house. Otherwise I would not have had the pleasure to meet you. Even though I said I didn't want to go on that camping trip, I'm glad you push me. Because of that I am reconnected with my parents and its all because of you. Yes, you encouraged me to reconnect with my parents. 

Bambi you make me feel some way that I cant explain. Every time I think of your smile or your laugh, I get these strange tingles that run through my veins. Its almost like adrenaline. Like I feel the need to touch you to make sure that you are really there. To make sure that I am not hallucinating of this angelic face before me.

Christina was a amazing friend. I had never felt the need to love someone before she came along and even then I don't believe I truly loved her. With you .. its different. I feel like my heart can burst with the passion that I have for you.

Just being with you is like sunshine on cold winter days. The smell of rain in the forest. The sense of awe on top of a mountain. The stillness and cuddle days of winter. The ringlets from rain drops in a small pond.

Its beautiful.

And I think what I am trying to say is that, I am in love with you. Completely and endearingly in love with you. Head over hills if you will.

You make me feel so .. so alive. Anywhere I would have followed you. If you wanted to move to Japan or America or Russia, I'd be right there along with you. But I cant.

I am not selfish enough to continue to risk your life for me. I'm sorry.

I know you wont understand why I am doing what I am doing now but in the future when you are happily living a normal life in a large house, married to some banker, with two beautiful kids.

Memories of your heavenly face, beaten and bruised and your lifeless body laid upon a stiff cot in that small hospital continue to haunt me. To know that you called for me .. I just cant say it enough but I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you. I'm sorry I let you suffer.

You don't understand how much it takes for me to say this. I have this indescribable feeling in my gut and heart as I continue to scribble ink onto this sheet of notebook paper. Its hard to swallow my pride and say goodbye.

I wish it didn't have to end this way. I wish we could live in a perfect life where we die old together and have millions of grandchildren running around us at our feet.

But this isn't some movie based off a book. This is real. This is my life. And I cant give that to you. You deserve so much more that I will never be able to provide for you.

Bambi, I wish I could say something that would ease the pain in my heart and yours. But there is nothing that I could think of except for that I love you.

You never got to hear me say it to you in person and you probably never will but God, I love you so much more than you could ever imagine.

Although in my head I imagined those three letters spilling from my mouth as I came inside you. I never even got to experience that with you. See, I've already deprived you of a important aspect in life.

Please take well care of yourself and please for the sake of my sanity promise me you wont come looking for me.

Your Forever & Always,

Love Bumble Bee .x

And just like that Harry Styles was gone. Out of my life. Leaving me all alone to weep over his long gone disappearance.

~*~The End~*~


Why Harreh do that? Did you see that coming? :(

That's the end. I hoped you liked it. And also I hoped you noticed all the little lyrics from Say Something, I tried to incorporate. I'm sorta sad its over. I enjoyed writing this so much, I think I'm crying. 

Thank you so fucking much for how many votes and comments and reads this story has accumulated. I love you guys like, I cant even express how much this means to me.

I hope I get to keep in touch with all you lovely lady sugar bugs. xx

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BYE <3

>>>>> BUT WAIT <<<<<





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