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Harry's POV

Just fucking great. I notice two tall men walking towards, where I am sitting and I know those body shapes anywhere.

"Harry, what do you think you are doing?" Zayn's voice is calm as usual.

"What the fuck does it look like?" I glare up at him and Louis, my arms flinging through the air, motioning at the airport.

"How'd you pricks find me anyways." I sigh, becoming more and more irritated.

"We just aimlessly checked airports. We knew you'd be at one of them." Louis said, taking the seat to the left of me as Zayn took the right.

"So what do you want? If you thought you could come here and talk me out of going home, you are not as smart as I thought you guys were." I laugh slightly but quickly stop when no one else joins me.

"Harry.. We are worried about you." Louis whispers and Zayn nods.


Why the hell are they even worried about me? I'm perfectly fine. Aren't I?

"Your health, for one. You look like shit, mate." Zayn bluntly says

I decide not to bring up the incident with Mr. O, at least for right now.

"Jeez thanks." I snort and glance at the clock, my flight to London wont be until another.

"We cant let you get on that flight." Zayn speaks again.

I stand up from my seat, tugging at my hair as I turn to face them. They are both sit with there elbows on their knees, hands dangling.

"Seriously. Get the hell out of here." I squat and get directly in their faces "Who the hell are you to tell me what to do?" my stare is intense but their's is just as intense as mines.

"We are your friends. We only want to help." Louis whispers gently. 

"You don't have to go through this alone." Zayn chimes in.

Like hell? Help me by how? All they are doing in getting in the way of me seeing Amber and Chris. I'm doing just fine, by myself. I don't need anyone to 'help' me.

"If you really want to help me, let me leave." I say as they both sigh

"We cant. You'll be in so much trouble." Louis says

"I'll worry about that later. I got this." I tell them

They both glance at each other quickly before nodding and I stand to my feet. We exchange bro hugs before they leave.

"Be safe." Louis laughs

"Yeah don't be a dumb ass." Zayn's laugh joins Louis' laughs.

They disappear and I'm left alone until my flight is ready.

"Flight 159 to London, is now boarding." The intercom in the airport says.

I walk towards my terminal, where a tall brunette takes my ticket. I begin to walk past her but she calls me back.

"Excuse me sir!" She taps my shoulder and I turn to face her in annoyance.

"Can you step over here." She motions me to the side and has me take off all metal, including my piercings.

As I walk through the metal detector, it buzzes. And I grunt in annoyance. The security guard scans my body with a hand metal detector and it too buzzes around my face. The guard gives me a suspicious look and I roll my eyes, remembering about the piercing I have in my ear's Tragus.

I remove it and put it on the tray with my other piercings and he scans me again before nodding and letting me through.

As I reach my seat on the plane, I plot down, grateful to have a window seat. I don't have any baggage because when those fuckers kidnapped me, they lost or misplaced all my baggage.

I reach into my pocket and see that Christina is calling me and I quickly press answer before the plane takes off.

"Hey babe." Her voice is sweet and light, like heaven to my ears.

"Hey love."

"I miss you. How is Germany." She asks and I can hear something like pots or dishes clinking together. I love when she cooks.

"Um actually I'm on my way home now."

"Sir please stop all cell phone use, at this moment." The flight attendant smiled politely and I rolled my eyes. Silently cursing her out in my head.

"I cant wait to see you." 

"Yeah, me too. I love you."

"I love you too."

I hang up my phone and turn on the airplane mode.If only she knew that I wasn't coming home, just for her and mainly for Amber. She would probably never talk to me again. 

As I put my phone back into my pocket, I notice that I still didn't get a chance to call back that unknown number. I guess I will have to do it when I land.

I fasten my seat belt as the plane takes off and I plug in my headphones and find myself drifting off to sleep about 20 minutes into the flight.


"Sir. We've landed in London." The same flight attendant that told me to put away my phone, woke me up.

I glance around and notice that the plane it empty and I'm the only passenger left. Those seven hours, really have flown past. I look out the airplane's window one last time, noting that its dark outside, before getting up and walking off the plane.

I call a cab and wait for it to come, since I did not bring my car so it is parked in the driveway back at my place.

Once sat in the backseat of the cab and he pulls away from the curb, I finally am able to relax. I hope that Zayn and Louis can take care of the shit in Germany without trouble. I think they are set to come back in a few days.

I couldn't bare to be away from Amber any longer. I would have not been able to stay there for the next few days. I literally would have gone insane.

I reach for my phone and notice that that weird number had called again and I finally decide to call them back.

I dial the number and wait patiently as the line rings and rings.

When no one answers, I dial it once more, for a last time. It rings before a soft girl voice answers. I know this voice anywhere and I cant seem to find my voice as I realize its her.


"Hello Harry, Is it actually you?" she says again when I don't say anything.

"Amber." My voice is barely audible and I feel sick.

I yell for the cab driver to drive faster and run red lights, and stop signs to get me to the hospital as quick as possible.

"DO WHAT EVER YOU HAVE TO, TO GET ME THERE IN FIVE MINUTES!" I'm literally screaming at the older male.


Hi Hi Hi!! ^.^ So Yay! He is going home! Im going to try to update asap!

Sorry For Shortness .x

So whats gonna happen next? Idk.. ;)

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