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Harry's POV

I shove the money at the driver, and bolted through the hospital doors. It took the cab driver almost two hours to get to the hospital even though he sped. Its probably because he refused to run the red lights and stop signs like I pleaded him to. Its about 12, and the clouded night sky had began to drizzle.

I wonder if she is still awake or had she fallen asleep on me.

I can hear nurses and doctors, yet again yelling at me to stop and that visiting hours are over. I ignore them and run to her room faster. It's almost like déjà vu.

I twist the knob on the door with Amber's chart on it and walked through.

The room is dark, and I can hear the faintness of talking from the television.

Amber lays in the bed, with the remote in hand. She looks so peaceful and angelic as she sleeps.

My feet slowly drag over to the stiff cot that holds her body. As I approach the bedside, she jumps slightly from her sleep, awakening.

She stares at me for a long time, and I couldn't bring myself to say anything.

"Hey. I tried to wait up for you." a smile is etched onto her face slowly as her small slender hand wraps around my index finger.

I'm stuck. My feet feel like they are glued to the ground and my mouth is taped shut. My chest feels fucking heavy and I cant feel my body.


My eyes sting from trying not to cry and I feel as if I'm gonna throw up on her. My hand clutch my stomach as I stare into her hazel eyes, that are open, swollen, but open.

She is awake and I'm not dreaming this time.

Her body is sickly pale and she doesn't look health like my hallucination. She has a hand print around her wrist where the prick held her tightly. I cant see anything other than her arms because her body is covered by a thin blanket.

Her hair is pulled back into a pony tail, her lips chapped and dry.

My legs feel like jello and I can no longer restrain from being near her.

"Bambi." I finally grip her hand back and I cant help the sobs that come from my mouth as I lightly hug her, insuring that I wouldn't hurt her.

Feeling her warmth and her fingers actually move, feels like nothing I've ever felt before. Being able to touch her and hear her breathing and knowing that she is okay is better than my life itself.

I would give my very being just to know she will be okay. Just to ensure her living. I'd give up everything for her to be happy.

I feel funny. Something I've never felt before, like butterflies are erupting in my stomach and I'm nervous. I don't know why and I cant seem to place my finger on it.

I can feel everything slipping away. All of my stresses, all of my worries have dissolved, have completely dissapeared now that she is in my arms.


Amber's POV

Harry's gentle lips, pepper kisses across my hand and he continually apologizes. I smile and rub his back in attempt to comfort him as he cried harder.

"I couldn't get to you. It's all my fault." The tears flow carelessly from his jade eyes.

"I should have been there. They told me the words you spoke to the paramedics before slipping away." His voice cracks at the end of his sentence.

I'm not sure what he is even talking about. I don't remember saying anything.

"I had a nightmare on the plane. I could hear your screams, I could see you crying and I couldn't do anything about it. It has tortured me, repeatedly."

"Just the simple thought of someone touching you, I...-"

"Harry stop." I groan. "It isn't your fault. I should have been more careful." By this time I was starting to cry myself. My eyes squeezed shut to keep the tears from pouring out.

I tried to smile and laugh often to keep the mood light. Although it did not seem to be working.

"I.. I was so worried, you weren't going to wake-" Harry began to say but the door was abruptly opened.

Doctor Evans walked in with a flood of nurses and security. What the hell are they doing in here? I'm more irritated that they've interrupted my time with him. Harry rose to his feet, standing in front of me.

"Jesus, Harry. You cant keep breaking through our hospital like this." Dr. Evans spoke first.

"Unfortunately visiting hours are over and we must ask you to leave." A security guard said but Harry didn't even move.

"Harry..." Dr Evans tried again.

"Fuck no. I'm not going anywhere." He growled and I grabbed his hand from behind and his head turned slightly towards me.

"Harry. Just go." I lightly whispered.

His body relaxed a bit and was no longer tensed. "You sure? I don't want to leave you. I just got you back." his thumb caressed the back of my hand.

I'm glad to have someone as loyal and as caring as Harry. He was truly the family I never had. In fact other than my mother he was the only thing I have in this world.

I nodded "I will be here in the morning."

"You sure?" he asked again while the security guard cleared his throat, irritating Harry further, if looks could kill the guard would be in the grave by now.

"Harry..." I said like a kid who was tired of their mom nagging.

"Okay. Get some rest." He leaned in and kissed my forehead before pushing past the security guard, knocking into his shoulder hard as he mumbled something under the lines of "Fucking rent-a-cop." and I giggled at his childish antic.

I lay back on the pillows and sleep takes over my body quickly. My dreams are filled with nothing but a curly haired, green eyed angel.


HIIIIIIIIII! I'm in class and I'm updating cause my teacher is a bitch and Imma kill her soon lol jk but seriously if she falls down the steps and I just so happen to be near by it wasn't me! 😉

Sorry I it wasnt long & I was seriously distracted writting this cause like I said I'm school so sorry if its bad.

So what is gonna happen next? Guess again😉

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