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Amber's POV

Harry and I sit chatting quietly in the cafeteria of the hospital. Its been about a week since that fucking creep came into my room and then out the window. I still haven't told him and I doubt I ever will.

I am able to walk but with crutches, apparently my left ankle has 'severe swelling' and I'm not allowed to apply fully pressure to it. 

Harry has been up here each day of the week from when visiting hours start to when they end. He hasn't said anything about our almost kiss or whatever it was and I definitely do not plan to bring it up. 

Today he wore my favorite jeans on him, his only pair that aren't black and ripped. They are light washed-blue ones that hug his legs tight. His torso however was covered in his usual black shirt but it was covered by a checkered top. His curly mops were pulled back by a colorful bandana and his green eyes were shining brighter than I've ever seen before. 

I can only imagine the tattoos that he has gotten and I haven't seen yet. Its like he is addicted to that damn needle. I can see the anchor that covers his "I cant change" tattoo - that I loved so much - and that little locket slightly as his shirt sleeve is pulled back a bit.

God, he looks amazing. He looks ... He looks happy. I haven't seen him this happy in so long. 

"What are you thinking about?" He taps my forearm and I snap back into reality.

"Nothing." I look down at the tasteless salad, I chose for lunch.

"Oh C'mon.." He groans. 

"Just about .. life." I laugh knowing, that I am not telling the truth but his smile grows so he must believe me.

"What about it?" He takes a bite of his burger and I can tell by his facial expression he isn't to found of it. The hospital's food taste like rubber and I had been thankful for Harry bringing me food this past week.

"Just about what I'm going to do when I get out of here. Ya know since I cant work at the bar anymore." I chuckle but he doesn't.

"Even if you wanted to, I wouldn't dare let you." His eyes still sparkle but his voice is stern and serious.

I smile despite his hard words. I could tell he trying to fight the smile that slowly spread across his face.

"Lets get you back to your room." Harry rises from the table and picks up our trash and throws it away before returning.

His arms pulled me up from the chair as if I was paralyzed. He really has too big of a heart. He hands me my crutches and I thank him with a nod of my head.

Harry's hand is placed on the small of my back as he helped me to the elevator. My room was on the 9th floor now. They moved me a few days ago. Dr. Evans joked it was because they needed Harry to stop forcing his way in, causing a ruckus and running into my room.

We climb into a elevator and Harry presses the button to the 9th floor and with each ding of each floor passed, I become more and more confused.

Its like a piece of the night I was attacked comes back into my mind.

There was a boy?

"Harry?" I feel faint and I afraid I will pass out.

"Yes?" His hand turns to me "Amber you okay?" His other hand rest on my stomach to stable me from falling over.

"Where is the boy?" I gasp and it feels like my lungs are being squeezed to were I am gasping for air. The last thing I remember is my body falling forward and his arms catching me before I can hit the metal elevator floor.


When I come to, I'm laying down on my hospital bed, Harry sits in a chair beside the bed, his head laying in my lap and his hand grasping my hand tightly.

When sleeping I couldn't help but see bits and pieces of flashbacks. Flashbacks of the little boy who tried to help me. But it frustrated me that I still couldn't remember the man's face.

My free hand runs my fingers through his curls that slipped from his bandana. His lips are parted and his thick eyebrows are stuck in a permanent frown that I wish to smooth away. My thumbs run over them, once or twice, even though they don't straighten.

He stirs a bit but doesn't wake. I continue to play with the beautiful angel's hair for a while until his eyes flutter open and he jumps up, fully alert as if he didn't know he fell asleep.

"Bambi, Jesus." He slouches a bit, seeing that I'm awake and his hand leaves mine to rest over his heart, calming himself. "The doctor said you need to eat and drink more. You are highly dehydrated and you aren't getting enough nutrients."

Which is true. I haven't had too big of a appetite but when Harry brought me food, I'd eat gratefully.

He sighs again. "God, You scared the shit out of me." His eyes are teary but no tears fall from them.

"I'm sorry." My voice is more raspy than I've ever heard. And I'm not sure whether he is talking about me playing with his hair and scaring him out of sleep or that I fainted and scared him.

"Are you okay?" Both of his large hands reach up to cup my cheeks and I sigh.

Honestly I don't know. I feel like I'm going crazy. I cant remember much of anything that night and it really drives me insane.

"I'm okay, I think." His lips lean in to my forehead and he kisses it gently.

"I don't want to go but I've got to. I promised Chris I'd take her out tonight." His hands drop and so does my heart at the mention of her.

I cant explain this feeling. I don't have feelings for him. We are just friends. Yeah?

I stay silent as he waits for me to answer so he can go. During this short period of time, I have the mustered up the courage to ask him something I wouldn't ever in a million years ask.

"Will you stay?" I look down to my hands in my lap. "Will you stay with me Harry?" I don't even bother to look up towards him cause I already know the answer.

"I.." he begins and I already know the answer. I cant help the frown that falls upon my face.

"Always." He whispers and my eyes widened.

He climbs onto the twin sized mattress and wraps his arms around me as my eyes close. I can feel his chest rise and fall behind me and I am finally at peace.

Its like the night he ripped the razor blade from my hand. That night I was going to kill myself. I cuddled into his chest as he held me tight, whispering comforting words, telling me how much life is worth it and how much he appreciates me. 

I'm so lucky to have him in my life. I know I say it too many times but its the truth. I am honestly glad to have such a good best friend.







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