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Amber's POV

When  I rise from my deep sleep I find that I am laid on Harry's chest and his arm is wrapped around me. When we went back to sleep we were laid side by side, how did we end up like this? I gently remove his arm from me as I slide out of the bed without waking him.

Once I've showered and have gotten dressed in more comfortable clothes, I begin to make a small breakfast. I place the hot cereal on the stove after putting two slices of bread into the toast and then going over to the fridge to pour myself a glass of milk.

After I've completed eating, I walk back to my room to tell Harry that I will be on my way. Surprisingly he is still fast asleep. His body curled into a small ball as he cuddles himself and he looks absolutely adorable with his mouth slightly parted.

"Psst." I whisper, nudging him a bit.

"Harry." I say.

"What?" He moans, rolling over.

"I'm leaving now." I say, grabbing my coat and tossing it on before heading to the closet to grab a purse.

"Where are you going?" He asks popping up from his sleepy state.

"To meet Allen for the first time." 

"Oh the boy?" He asks tossing his curls.

"Yeah." I nod. 

"Do you want me to come with you? If not its fine." He asks but quickly recovers by offering not to go.

"If you want." I quietly say and he quickly moves from the bed to the shower to get ready without another word.

I wait patiently for Harry to get dressed which he does within record time. Which he didn't even need to because the Orphanage stays open until seven tonight and its eleven am right now.

"Ready?" I smile and he nods.

I get into the driver's seat after fighting with Harry to let me drive. He loves to drive for some odd reason. 

When we reach the designation the GPS gave, we park the car and walk towards the door in silence. The building is old and creepy looking. Its covered in deep shades of gray and black with vines running up the sides of the panels.

I shudder in pure eeriness and Harry noticed, his arm wrapping around my shoulder and pulling me closer to him.

"Relax." He whispered before placing a kiss to the back of my head and I almost forget he has a girlfriend. I nod and pull away from him and he frowns.

I step up the steps and knock on the door. Even though they will be expecting me, its rude to walk straight in.

I physically shake away the nerves and fix my hair.

A elder-looking lady answers the door with a bright smile. Her hair is brown fading gray and her face has slight wrinkles around her emerald coloured eyes that shine but never as bright has Harry's. 

"Hi. Ms. Urns? I'm Andrea." She questions opening the door all the way.

"Yes. And this is Harry Styles." I shake her hand before Harry shakes her hand.

"Welcome." She moves from the entrance and we step inside.

The rooms have dim lighting and the interior is faded and dark blue. The floorboards are creaky and worn. Its so depressing in here. The air feels stiff and awkward. There is a small living room with a fireplace burning and a small couch placed in front of it.

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