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Amber's POV

The house is dark as it is outside as well. Its silent except the low hum of the television and the light sound of purrs coming from the cat below. I hate that Harry has left me here by myself. I was really planning on spending my evening with him. Sasha is curled up in my lap as I watch old episodes of random shows.

Even though Harry had officially confirmed our relationship today, I always thought of myself as his girlfriend anyway. It just finally feels nice to have it set and stoned with a title. 

I move her from my lap as I stand and walk into the kitchen and of course she follows closely behind me.

I turn the stove to on, heating it up and preparing it for something. I am going to attempt to look through our almost barren cupboards for anything to eat. Though I am not very hungry, I haven't eaten all day. I should try to keep at least a portion of food down.

Sasha jumps up onto the counter, knocking over a brand new glass vase. The water and flowers that the container held saturated the title floor. To say that I am upset is a small understatement. 

I scold her name and she scampers away. I move quickly to pick up the mess and once its completed I begin to walk out of the kitchen but of course like the dumb ass I am, I've missed one piece causing a shard of glass to go into my foot.

"Great." I mutter, hoping over to the sink and wetting the bottom. It stings like hell but not at bad as I would have guessed. I cleanse the wound before tying a spare towel around it.

I move to turn around but stop in mid-step when I am met with a barrel of a gun.

"Shhhh." The person behind the pistol cooed when I sucked in a deep breath.

Why is this shit always happening to me?

Ever since my knowing of my father's existence and him and Harry being co-workers, my life has been completely flipped and has become something of the unknown.

"Sit." The voice high and scratchy and I take a seat at one of the kitchen chairs.

The person quickly ties my hands and feet to the legs of the chair with rope that they pulled from their pocket and I wince when the white and itchy rope scraps against my skin.

They pull up a chair right across from me. The mystery person pulls off their facial cover and reveals themself to be a woman. 

A woman.

She has short and dark hair adorned with light grey eyes and she looks to be in her early forties.

"What?" I mumble in disbelief.

"What? Expecting someone else, sweetheart?" She smirks and her teeth are pearly white, whiter than the average persons'.

"I didn't know I was expecting anyone." I respond and my mind begins to wonder to the thought of how and where she got in.

"You." She exams my face and I notice that she has a thick accent. It sounds like maybe she is from Yorkshire. "You are Mr. O's daughter?" 

"No." I lie with a straight face, hoping she wouldn't see through me.

"Don't lie." The gun is back in my face again. "Are you or are you not Mr. O's daughter?" She asks again.

"I am." I state. How the hell did she know he was my father. Shit, I barely knew he was my father myself.

"I thought so." She lowers the gun, bringing a cloth out to wipe the barrel of it for no apparent reason. "My husband did a good job, tracking you from that camping site to this apartment." She snickers. "Although he did scold me because he got a million bug bites when he was out there." She laughs for a second before her face turns hard again.

My mind flashes back to when Cameron walked me to the bathroom and refused to let me go back by myself and before we had left he told me about some creep watching us.

"That boy. He works for your father, doesn't he?" She points the gun before I can answer. I nod instead of speaking and she smiles. "He is a fine one. You fucking him?" She snarls and I cant help the anger that is building inside of me. 

"I fucked your father." She confesses when I stay silent. "You are looking at the reason why your mother and father split when you were younger." 

"Yeah, he was a good fuck." She cackles and I struggle to release myself from my bindings.

"Stop moving." She pulls a knife from her boot but I don't seize my movement. "Stop!" She shouts, digging the knife into my thigh and leaving it there. I cant seem to help myself when I let out a sharp yelp. 

"Shit!" I cry. "Fuck, Fuck, Fuck." I repeat endlessly, trying to hold back the tears forming in my eyes. Being beaten is one thing, being stabbed or shot is another.

"See .. Now, what you are going to do is tell me exactly where I can find your father." She stands to her feet and I glare up at her, not daring to open my mouth for if I do I will involuntarily let out a yell.

"No." I groan through gritted teeth. I wouldn't be able to tell her anyways because I have no clue where my dad is. If I am luck, I'll receive a text or a call every now and then.

Her hand raises but pauses in mid-air when she hears the door rattling, signaling that someone was coming and I was grateful for I knew who it was.

"Who is that!?" She screams and I only smirk.

Her hand grabs my face and squeezes my cheeks to pull the answer from me but I stay silent.

The door opens and in walks Harry, oblivious to the scene in the kitchen, a wall protecting the crazy lady and her captive.

"Amber?" His voice calls for me and I attempt to scream but her hand clasp over my mouth.

"One word and you are dead." She whispers.

Harry's feet clunk into the kitchen and the bag that he held in his arms is dropped onto the floor.

"Ahh, So you live with him." She coos, my leg throbbing and bleeding profusely.

Harry doesn't move and I assume its because he is afraid that if he does, the firearm that is being held to my forehead will be pulled.

"Funny, right? Everything comes back to you. None of this would have happened to you darling if it wasn't for him. He is the reason that you will die tonight." She laughs and I glance up at Harry whose fist are balled and he looks as if he is ready to pounce on her.

"You've got one last time, Where is your father?" She says shoving the gun harder against my temple.

Harry's mouth is hung open and I am afraid that I wont make it out of this one this time. I quickly glance to the counter and there the broken glass lays.

"Boy, you could save her life, just tell me." The women says and I want to scream. I know Harry knows where my father's location is. I pray to God that he doesn't tell her because I'd rather die than have her find my father and kill him.

I've been through hell the last few months and my life isn't worth it.

"Harry, say something." I cry, praying that he would give her a false location.


Oh me gee. THIS WAS SHIT & You guys are gonna kill me cause this is the LAST CHAPTER and there isn't a sequel. MAYBE an epilogue. IDK. Oops I love you guys.

Thank you so much to any and everyone who supported this story and its amazing that this book has come this far.

You are the best, I swear.

I hope you enjoyed reading this book as much as I enjoyed writing it. I might have a surprise idk oops I'm sorry gah kay I'm rambling bye .x

Please don't kill me haha (;

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