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Harry's POV

When we arrive at a large house, they shove us out of the car, walking us to the entrance. I give Amber's hand a slight squeeze and her eyes peer up to look at me.

"It's okay. I promise i wont let anything happen to you." I whisper and I mean it. I would give my life to insure that she will continue to live and be happy. She smiles slightly, a smile that doesn't reach her eyes but somehow gives me a little faith in her trust.

She is limping on her foot since she was forced to leave them at home. I can tell its causing her a lack of comfort but she is trying to mask the pain.

When enter through the large double doors and are immediately greeted by Mr. O and a few other unknown faces.

The house is white, creme, and marble all over. It definitely cost a really shinny and pretty penny. It is practically a dream home. A home one day I hope I can purchase. If it wasn't for Amber complaining about how much she loves our small house, I would have bought a house this massive a long time ago.

I can feel Amber still and she looks as if she will faint. 

"What? What's wrong?" I ask and she doesn't say anything. I shake her slightly and she cant seem to tear her eyes away from a male standing next Mr. O.

He has thick blonde hair and a beard. His disgusting smirk is filled with rotten teeth. He looks to be in his mid thirties. He doesn't look homeless, in fact he looks rich rather. Despite the fact that he might drink or smoke too much. The bags under his eyes are screaming for help.

"Him." She barely whispers.

"What about him?" I ask

"Harold! Amber! So nice of you to join us on this fine evening!" Mr. O's voice interrupts us, his smile smug and false as usual.

"Okay. You want to talk. Talk." I say. This is total bullshit. This is highly unnecessary. He can bring me into whatever shit he is about to say but leave Amber out of this.

"Always so friendly, Harold!" He laughs and I swear if he calls me that one more time I will probably snap. "Amber, how are you?" He asks her and she doesn't even move or flinch. Her eyes are still focused on the blonde haired guy.

"What is up with this prick? Make him leave. He is obviously making her uncomfortable." I snort pointing towards the guy Amber cant seem to tear her eyes from.

"Who John, here?" His hand reaches to land on John's shoulder, giving it a tight squeeze.


"Oh my God." Amber's free hand reaches up to cup her mouth.

"It is him." A tear rolls down her face. "You did this to me." 

"What!? Amber what do you mean!?" I shout. There is always something, isn't it? There is always something going wrong.

"I remember now. He beat me.. He ra-"

"What!?" Mr O. shouts like he had no idea and I'm almost positive it was his little scheme so the act he is portraying now is failing.

The next thing I notice is a red faced John being slammed up against a wall. And my eyes trail down to find my hands wrapped around his neck with all my might. One of my hand is released to punch him across the face repeatedly.

He falls and I continue to punch him until I am ripped off.

"You sick son of a bastard!"

"I'll fucking kill you!"  

"Harold stop." Mr. O pathetic attempt to calm me isn't working.

"Stop fucking calling me that!" I shout and shake off the four guys that it took to pull me off of him.

Amber's POV

I limp over to Harry and crash into his chest. My ankle is feeling so much better and I think by the end of this week I will finally be able to walk on it.

Harry's breathing is scary irregular and he is shaking violently. My arms wrap around his back, pulling him closer. I cant help the tears that freely run from my eyes.

I know its him. I'm almost positive. Hell I am positive. 100 percent.

I couldn't remember.

But now I can remember.

I remember every little detail about that night. From the time he followed me to the bar to the time I was being pulled away in a ambulance. I hate the memories of that night. And I almost wish that I still didn't remember. In a way I'm glade I do though.

"John. Is that true?" I turn from his chest to find Mr. O standing in front of John, two guys holding John's limp body up. And I begin to wonder what "O." stands for.

When John doesn't say anything, Mr O reaches around to the back of his suit and pulls out a gun polishing it. Why is he pulling out a gun, this has nothing to do with him.

"You were only suppose to locate her." His frown is not sad at all. What does he mean locate me?

"Well, it is a shame. You were a good worker." Mr O. puts the cloth back into his suit pocket.

He cocks the gun and Harry's large hands cover my eyes as I hear the gun shot go off. The sound pierces the silent air. I can smell the metallic smell of blood on Harry's hands and it smells sickening. 

Another gun shot goes off followed by three more. Over kill much? I pry his hands from my face to find John's body being pulled away.

Mr. O's hazel eyes show no remorse. He looks as if he is completely comfortable in what he had just done. Maybe even proud?

I glance up to Harry in shock and he only looks like he has seen this kind of stuff before, he still looks pissed but not as pissed as he was before. I wonder if he has ever killed anyone.

"Fucking dick deserved it." He whispers and sets his chin on the top of my head "Please stop crying." I can feel the faint touch of his plump lips kissing the back of my head.

"Should know better not to mess with my daughter. Fucking idiot." Mr O.'s grumbles his voice is quiet.

"Your what!?" Harry shouts and my mouth only hangs open. He couldn't, could  he?

"Yes. Its what I wanted to talk about. As well as finding out who hurt Amber." He says. "I've been waiting for this day for so long."

"Dad? It is really you?" I ask.

"I've missed you so much." Mr O.- Well my father says and begins to walk towards where Harry and I stood.

"You've got to be shitting me." Harry harshly remarks.


Hiiiiiii! So plooot twist! Was you expecting that or nah? Teehee! So now we don't have to worry about who hurt Amber any more! This was sorta bad but I hoped you liked it.

I'm on spring break this week so I will try to update a lot!

So what is gonna happen next!? (;

So this story have reached almost 130 votes & over 1,100 reads and I want to say thank you so much for your amazing support! I love you guys!

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