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Amber's POV

There she was standing there, in a pair of jeans and a jacket. She swanked towards us and I can see all the color drain from Harry's face.

"Harry." Christina smiles, pulling him in for a hug, and kissing his cheek. He doesn't hug back mostly because he is in too much of shock.

"What are you doing here?" He ask, his mouth agape.

"Huh? Mate I invited your girlfriend!" Louis laughs, slapping Harry on the back. Of course he didn't know about their break up, only I did.

"You aren't happy to see me, baby?" She laughs, leaning into his shoulder.

I scoff and she rolls her eyes.

"Zayn why don't you and Amber play a game on the Xbox thingy." Christina 'innocently' suggests.

"Yes! Lets go!" Zayn literally yanks my arm and we go sit down on the living room couch.


Harry's POV

"C'mon. We need to talk." Christina whispers in my ear.

I follow her as she walks upstairs to the guest room of Louis' home and to say that I am surprised she is here is a bit of an understatement.

 She takes a seat on the bed and I stand near the wall closest to the door, in case I need to make a fast escape.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, I do not want to see her. I was just beginning to forget her face.

"To see you babe." She walks over to me, wrapping her arms around my waist and pulling me into her.

"You look so good right now." Her small fingers lightly tug at the waistband of my jeans. I take a step back, attempting to put space between us but unfortunately I back into a wall.

"These jeans a little tight, huh?" She smirks, running her painted nails along my thigh slowly.

"Mhh." Her other hand moves to to squeeze my bum and I tense, this doesn't feel right at all. There is something missing. There is no spark.

Her lips move to mine and she kisses me. There is nothing gentle or passionate about this kiss. Its hard and hungrily. Its lustful and tasteless.

"Stop." I say, pulling away, her head shoots up to glare at me.

"Why? Its only natural for couples-"

"We aren't a couple." I cut her off before she can even finish that sentence.

I have been through hell within the last two weeks. Isolating myself from everyone except our cat Sasha. Words cant describe how I felt when the realization that we were officially over hit me. It was her idea to break up, we were both so pissed, it was sort of mutual.

"Yes, we are. So what we fight and move on." She nuzzles her head into my chest and I move to unwrap her arms from around me.

"No. We broke up." I say. I know I am tipsy but I am no where near drunk.

"No we didn't. We just had a bad fight." She says, trying to control her temper and I can tell this wont end good.

"Yeah, one that ended our relationship." My arms cross across my chest.

"So that's it? You are going to give up on us? On me?" She says loudly. "Harry, I still love you." She whispers, nearing tears and I cant help but feel a bit of sympathy for this girl I once loved.

Perhaps I still love her but something has changed. During those two weeks, I thought a lot. It takes me now to realize that I've come to terms with our break up. I'm ready to move on and be happy. She should feel the same way too.

"I will always love you. I will always be there for you, just not that way Chris." I say pulling her into a hug as the tears fall from her beautiful eyes.

We embrace for a while before I finally decide to go, leaving Chris to herself. She hasn't stopped crying and I think I even shed a few tears.

I walk down the stairs and out the front door, ignoring anything coming from my friends' mouths. As the chilled air hits my face it refreshes me. I take a seat on the porch steps, my head in hands with too many thoughts running through my head for me to handle.


Amber's POV

"Harry?" I question as he storms out the front door. I throw my controller down and head after him. Zayn was wining anyway. I was shit at whatever we were playing. I was only doing it to keep myself occupied from Christina sneaking away with Harry upstairs.

"Hey! Where are you going, Amber? I was so going to kick your ass." Zayn yells, his hands flying in the air.

"I know." I mumble as I push the screen door open.

Harry's back is facing away from me as I exit and his head of curls rests in his large palms. I sit down quietly next to him, my chin resting on my bent knees.

"You okay, bumble bee?" I ask, rubbing his back with my hand.

"Chris and I are over." He grumbles.

"Yeah, its sorta been over."

"No, like officially, we are done for good." He wipes his eyes and I hadn't known he was crying until now.

My mouth forms in a "o" shape. "Its going to be okay." I whisper and I put my arm around his shoulder.


Harry waits in the car as I say goodbye to everyone and thank them for inviting us. The lads were upset that they didn't get to say goodbye to Harry but I had told them he wasn't feeling his best at the moment. Stomach flu.

Christina walked out at the same time as I did. Its not that I hated her. Maybe I just hated what she has. I mean had.

"Hey." She yells only loud enough for me to hear as she begins to open her car door. "Treat him well, treat him like how he deserves to be treated." She wipes a small tear that I know she didn't intend on falling.

I am taken back by her sudden words. "I .. I will." I stutter and I have no idea but what she means by that.


Oh my God. I don't even know whats going on. Lol Hey guys. 

Just to let you know I make this story up as I write chapter by chapter. See the problem with me is that I get a good idea and I'm like yes, i'll write a fanfiction about it but I never think out a story line. So I make this shit up as I go.

So I know its bad. Its just a filler. 

What's gonna happen next? I love drama (;

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