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Harry's POV

"Where the hell is he?" I shouted slamming my fist down on the table in front of him.

"I'm not telling you shit!" he spit on my face.

I wipe the spit that was slowly dripping down my face with the back of my hand, my other hand grabbing the gun, that was tucked in my pants behind me.

"How about now?" I pointed the gun towards the center of his forehead. He stayed silent, his jaw clenched, his tied down fist balled tightly.

"Okay, How about you've got six seconds to tell me where the fuck Nolan is." I threatened and he stayed silent, Louis and Zayn tensed presences behind me.

Louis' POV

"One." Harry began to countdown.


"Three." He cocked the gun.

"Wait Harry this wasn't apart of the job." I leaned in close to his ear whispering, he didn't even move. We weren't suppose to kill anyone. Boss' words were strictly to not make a mess and collect the money.

"Four." He continued ignoring me.

"Five." His finger moved to the trigger, the guy only sat there with a smirk on his face.

"Harry what the fuck!" I quietly shouted.

Harry looks beyond pissed and I know a little spit on his face did not cause this. Perhaps the fact that he is here.

And not with Amber?

They were only friends, yeah?

"Six." The gun fired and I quickly grabbed the gun so it shot towards the floor.

"HAVE YOU LOST YOUR GOT DAMN MIND!?" I shouted directly in Harry's face. His eyes show no emotion. Harry cocks the gun again and this time instead of pointing it at the guy, he is pointing it at me. Zayn's face is in complete shock and he quickly steps between us.

"Harry what the hell are you thinking?" Zayn calmly asks.

Harry's face softens a bit but not for long as the gun was pointed at the captive once more.

"Think about what Christina would think... Amber... Knowing that you killed someone.." Zayn said still placed in between us.

"You're right." Harry says.

Harry was known to do some crazy shit in our earlier days but I know he wouldn't be this pissed for no reason. Just because he has to be here, he is going to kill someone. He has officially lost it.

"But I don't give a shit." His finger pulls the trigger, killing the guy instantly.

Harry's POV

I shouldn't fucking be here right now. If it wasn't for these damn idiots borrowing fucking money they cant pay back I'd be home where I was suppose to be. I don't have time for this bullshit.

After I've killed him execution style I walk upstairs in the factory that we were in. There is a door on the left and with my foot I bust the door open and search the room. Nothing.


I didn't think this through now how in the hell were we suppose to find Nolan.

I continue to search the abandon warehouse and I've yet to find anything. As I walk towards the door I swear I see something but maybe its just my imagination.

I follow my instincts and check it out anyway.

I run down a long hallway and make a sharp right at the end of it, stopping dead in my tracks.

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