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Harry's POV

After sitting for twenty minutes while Amber said goodbye to Sasha we are finally on the road. We had to find a pet kennel to keep her for the week because no one was available to watch her.

We are in route of the camping site, in our own car as we follow my parents to the location. Amber has packed a load and I find it hard to believe that she has never gone camping before. She claims that maybe if she grew up in a two parent home, she would have done activities such as this.

I'm in a surprisingly good mood, considering that I don't even want to be on this damned trip.

"Relax, its just my parents." I say, noticing how tense her position was.

"I know. Sorry." She apologizes and I nearly tell her not to, but instead I reach over and grab her hand, bringing it to my lips.

She is adorned in a pair of shorts and a plain v-neck t-shirt. I find it odd how she can pull off anything she wears. She always looks so amazing without even trying.

She flips on the radio and one of her favorite songs that blare through the speakers. The smile on Amber's face widens as she attempts to sing but fails.

"Nice singing, Bambi." I chuckle.

"Hey! I can sing!" She shoots me a glare and I sarcastically nod.

"Hand me a chocolate muffin, please?" I ask, making a left turn.

"Not until you say I can sing well." She pouts.

"No," I focus back on the road and she slaps my arm. "Okay, you sing .. well." I sigh. I'm not sure why its such a big deal for her to be a good singer.

She grins as she reaches into the back seat, reaching for a cooler and pulling out the large, whole grain bread. She begins to peel off the wrapping, that surrounded the muffin. She pulls off a piece, popping it into my mouth as I try to drive correctly.

"Thank You." I say with my mouth full and she looks as if she wants to scold me for doing so but she doesn't.

My mom and dad's car finally comes to a stop and I put our car into park as well. I get out of the car and motion for Amber to wait in the car.

"We have got a bit of a walk first, but this is the place." My dad says, taking a deep breath of fresh air and I nod in response.

I walk back to the car and gather all of our luggage and bags while Amber carries the coolers and we begin to walk along a path that has been created by so many people walking on this grass.

"How much longer?, fuck." I complain after about twenty minutes of walking along this narrow pathway.

"Harry be patient." My mother's small voice says, slightly out of breath. "We will be there shortly."

"How shortly?" I demand, really annoyed by now.

"Give us ten minutes." Pops says.

"Babe." Amber whines, telling me to behave and I roll my eyes. "Would you like a piggy back ride?" She smiles.

I don't say anything as I drop all of our bags and jump on her back and she face plants into the dirt ground. As she struggles beneath me, I cant help but burst out in laughter and she is most likely beyond pissed.

"Fucker." She whispers quietly so my parents cant hear. "Get off now!" She shouts, squirming and by now my parents have stopped and are waiting on us.

"You cant make babies here, at least not in front of us!" My mum smiles, and I choose to ignore it. The fact that my mother is so innocently saying these things without knowing is so annoying.

I roll off her in laughter, clutching my stomach as I laugh at her expense.

She stands up and I follow suit and she punches me in the stomach. Her small fist had no affect on me but I pretend it does. If we weren't here at the moment, I would take her back to the ground and wrestle her.

We finally arrive to a small camping site with room big enough for three tents and I literally throw down our carryings and flop onto the mud, not caring whether or not I get dirty.

"We've finally made it! Not too much walking!" Amber exclaims and I roll my eyes at her cheery, non-exhausted voice.

Amber and my father have just completed putting up the tents while my mother read directions and I watched from a small tree stump. They've done a nice job, and have got it up pretty quickly.

Amber walks over to me, pushing me off the small log before stealing the seat from me.

"God, I'm tired!" She hunches over.

The sun is beginning to set and my father decides that we will begin to do activities starting tomorrow since it is getting so late. I go inside the tent and set up our sleeping bags, Amber's positioned on the left and mine on the right.

We have said our goodnights, yet again denying my mother's offer of sex toys and I'm seriously thinking about killing her and taking her body in the woods while everyone is sleeping.

I'm kidding.

I think.

Amber sighs, turning over, facing towards the tent wall, her back towards be. This will be the first time, not sleeping in the same cover in a long time and it feels foreign.

About half way through the night I hear her panicked voice. Its quiet but alerting.

"Bumble Bee!" She whispers, shaking me.

"What?" I moan, trying to brush her off.

"I heard something." She says and I nearly laugh.

"Its probably a fish." I say jokingly, knowing that we are at least a good five minutes from the lake.

"No, this isn't funny." She says, her voice shaking and I'm wondering why she is so shook up.

"You get paranoid too much, come here." I roll over and I soon feel her warmth join me.

"I wont let anyone hurt you. Okay?" I wrap my arms tightly around her, yet again, closing my eyes. "Not again."  I whisper, hoping that she didn't hear me but when her lips kiss the bottom of my chin, I know she did.


So I wrote this in first period and its really bad and I'm soooooo sorry :(

I love you guys, kay bye.

I'm sorry :(

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