Chapter 26

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I woke up to shouting. I groaned and covered my head as I struggled to go back to sleep.

"You woke her up!" Caelan shouted and someone stumbled.

"Don't touch me" Tristan hissed.

"Guys please! Stop it!" Jordan pleaded with the boys and I heard Caelan huff before walking away.

Wait. Something was wrong. I opened my eyes and pushed myself up. My neck hurt from lying on it funny and I rubbed it as my eyes adjusted.

The room seemed bigger and something was missing.

"The bars" I said. "They're gone?" My head cocked to the side and I looked up which hurt my neck more and I hissed.

Caelan sat down beside me and pulled me into his chest. He rested his chin on my head and sighed. "Jasper came in this morning whilst we were asleep. Jake woke up though. Jasper told him that it would be more fun to let us get at each other. He knows that we're struggling with eachother" he said. "He fixed Jordan's leg as well"

I nodded and pulled away from him. Standing up, I walked towards the door before feeling a sharp tug on my arm that nearly pulled me to the ground. I took a deep breath and lifted my hand to see that the cuff was still on my wrist. "He lets you wander about and I can't move more than a couple of steps?" I hissed.

I went over to where it was stuck to the ground and wrapped the chain around my hand. "What are you doing?" Jordan asked. I ignored him and pulled as hard as I could. I grit my teeth as the chain tightened around my wrist and hand but kept pulling.

The chain didnt budge. I relaxed and wrapped more of the chain around my wrist. "Willow stop. You'll hurt yourself" Caelan said and I ignored him aswell. I stepped back so the chain was taut and tugged. I leaned back and dug my heels into the ground. Still it didnt move. I didn't stop though. I kept pulling and pulling until I felt as though my hand would break.

The chain crushed my hand and I felt my eyes fill up as I bit my lip. "Need to get this off me" I hissed as I relaxed slightly before tugging one last time. I heard something pop and nearly screamed as pain shot up my arm. Caelan grabbed me and unwrapped the chain from my arm as I clutched it to my chest.

"You never listen do you?" He scolded. I frowned and looked at the floor. "Let me see" he said but I just looked up at him. "Your arm. I need to see if it's broken" I sighed and held my hand out to him. He grabbed it slightly too rough and I yelped. "Sorry" he smiled at me weakly as I stared at my arm. A bone was obviously out if place as it created a large lump on the side of my wrist.

"I think I'm going to pass out" I said before I did exactly that.


My arm ached as I woke up. I groaned as I sat up. I was too warm. I pushed away the source of heat with my good hand and heard a chuckle. It didnt move. "Don't laugh at me" I mumbled as I rolled away. This caused them to laugh harder.

"Where am I?" I said nervously. I didnt open my eyes as I frowned.

"Dungeons" Caelan said.

"Never thought I'd be happy for someone to tell me I was in a dungeon" I giggled and Caelan chuckled.

"Where did you think you were?" Caelan asked.

"Jasper's bed. He's like a human radiator" I smiled and heard Caelan mumble something I couldn't hear. I rolled over towards the source of heat and reached out. I felt an arm. "Who's the hot water bottle?" I said with my eyes still closed.

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