Character Sketch

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Manik Nandini Malhotra- A hot handsome young man.Husband of Nandini Murty, loves her a lot.Lead singer of Fab 5. Their band is the leading musucal band in India also very famous in abroad.Loves his daughter,Myrah Malhotra. Lives in Malhotra Mansion. Has no mom but loves his father Raj Malhotra a lot. Can do anything for his friends ,Nandini and Myrah.

Nandini Malhotra- A bubbly, chubby girl

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Nandini Malhotra- A bubbly, chubby girl. Wife of Manik Malhotra loves him a lot. Is the best director in bollywood. Often goes out for shooting. Loves Myrah a lot. Best friend of Navya. Can do anything for Manik and Myrah

Fab5-Alya , Mukti,Manik,Dhruv and Cabir

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Fab5-Alya , Mukti,Manik,Dhruv and Cabir

Myrha Nandini Malhotra- Apple of eye to her parents

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Myrha Nandini Malhotra- Apple of eye to her parents. As a special bond with Manik coz she sends most of he time with him as Nandini is 75% travelling. Mini Manik Malhotra. Passionate about music. A little arrogant girl but is a very good to her friends and can do anything for them like Manik. Viyaan, Abeer and Navika's best friend. Rules over the school.

Navya Navali- Best friend of Nandini. Married to Cabir. Model by profession.

(Alya is married to Dhruv, Mukti to Abhimanyu)

MANAN-My small lovelandDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora