Chapter -36

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After the concert...

Everybody gathered in the vanity van excepting the minis. They all were immensely satisfied with there performance and the fact that they had gratified the populace present there.

"Guys I think we should party today...after all we completed our 15th concert success fully this year" Alya said in a perfect tone with exitment.

"Ya guys we's a big day" Mukti said and rested her hands on her waist.

"No guys...we can't party today I need to pickup Myrah from the aerodrom. So we need to drop this plan out for today..." Manik announced sorrowfuly.

"But wasn't her arrival time long ago?" Dhruv interrogated.

"Ya it was but unfortunately it got delayed " Manik answered sadly.

"No problem we'll party tomorrow...not a big deal...wasa bhi we just need a reason to party and Myrah is also bribing one along with her her" Cabir said.

"Okay guys let depart home and Manik you go and pick Myrah up...wait...wait a second where are the juniors ?" Cabir asked.

"They must be out"Mukti remarked.

"Ok guys lets leave for our respective destination. " Manik said and brushed his hands together and put them inside his pocket.

They all went out in search of the kids. They spotted them outside talking to each other. Manik and Naksh headed towards the airport.


Inside the car...

Manik was driving the car and Naksh was sitting on the passengers seat. "Dad don't you think we should go to nani's house...I mean it's been a long time we haven't visited her?" Naksh asked fixing his eye balls on Manik's face, just to see his expression and read his mind.

"I think we should fact you both should visit her tomorrow itself..." Manik said after thinking for a while and lifted his eye balls from the road to Naksh and again back to the road.

"What about you?" Naksh was constantly looking at Manik.

"I'll have go to Pune ya...but I'll try to come fast...but can't say now...infact you both should go directly from the school tomorrow " Manik adviced.

"Ok dad" Naksh replied.

After a few minutes Manik glanced from the road to Naksh and found him asleep. He smiled and again eyed on the road. Soon they reached the airport where he spotted Myrah along with Viyaan(kunal's son), Kunal(Manik's Secretary) and Meghana(kunal's wife).

 Soon they reached the airport where he spotted Myrah along with Viyaan(kunal's son), Kunal(Manik's Secretary) and Meghana(kunal's wife)

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Viyaan Chauhan

Kunal and Meghana

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Kunal and Meghana

Kunal and Meghana

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Myrah's outfit...

Manik got off the car and went near them. While Naksh was still napping inside the car unaware of his surrounding.

"Hi kunal and Meghana" Manik greeted. Both greeted him back. All the six talked to each other for about five minutes and then decided to leave.

Manik and Myrah bid bye to the trio and settled themselves in the car. Manik took the driving seat and Myrah sat on the back seat as Naksh had occupied the passengers seat. As soon as Myrah realised that Naksh was also there she leaned on the passengers saet and started poking her cheeks trying to wake him up.

Manik saw it and smiled as he also used to do the same whenever he saw Nandini sleeping after comin from any trip.

"Myrah stop it and let him sleep he must be tired " Manik said with asperity in his voice.

"But dad.." Myrah tried to protest but failed as she was cut in between by Manik.

"No warrior...he is tried and he needs to wake up early in the morning" Manik asked. Myrah shifted behind Manik's seat and wrapped her hands around Manik's neck and rested her head on Manik's seat's headrest.

"Missed me warrior?"

"A lot."

"I'm sorry for not accompanying you to the competition...I know you wanted me to be around you...I'm sorry" Manik said.

"You know dad I was so so so anxious before going on the stage this time...maybe because it was first performance at that big platform  and I just wished you to be beside me"

"And I wasn't there" Manik felt apologetic.

"But Viyaan was there...he helped...and  you know the best part dad...when I went up on the stage picked the guitar and touched the mike and closed my eyes...all my anxiety vanished and I was the ever so confident Myrah Nandini Malhotra standing in front of the large audience and a panel of judges. You know why dad...because when I closed my eyes I could see you and mumma standing in front of me" Manik could not help but feel proud of his daughter.

"I'm proud of you really are my little warrior"

"You should be after all I aced the competition and moreover it wasn't that difficult. After all I'm your daughter"

"How does that matter in this case"

"Come on dad... see, everybody says that I'm your carbon copy and I know that you were always super confident in all you performances...and so confidence flows in my blood..." Manik chuckled hearing this.

"Thank you dad for believing in me" Myrah thanked Manik. Whereas Manik just smiled.

Myrah and Viyaan had gone to Shri Lanka for taking part in the Asia's best singer  under 10. In which she was declared as the winner and Viyaan was the first runner up.  


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