Chapter Twenty One

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I looked at the huge rock on Rita's left hand, it sparkled like mine. It was large and beautiful like mine- but she looked right wearing hers. Unlike me who looked like she had no place being her or having the expensive ring on my left hand along with my beautifully diamond covered in front of my engagement ring.

Jason's grip on my wait was tight. He was tense, he was probably still pissed and hurt by her. Only if he knew how much he hurt me.

"Jason," Rita said softly as she approached us with Kendrick by her side. "How have you been?"

"Great. I've have an amazing time with my wife in Greece. It was beautiful and perfect." He shot her a very fake smile. Jason looked down and me then kissed my forehead.

I smiled up at him, it was one of those soft sweet smiles.

"That's great. Kendrick and I plan to wed on Valentine's day 2017."

"That's great." Jason rolled his eyes. "Nice to see you both." He told them then made me walk away with him. The glare I got from Rita was priceless!

"She really makes you mad doesn't she?" I asked quietly.

"She's a rich bitch whore, Serena." He let out a sigh.

"Are you hurt by her?"

"No. I'm pissed she chose to do this. She can't have two guys."

"You can't have two women either, Jason." I stopped walking and looked up at him waiting for him to make a scene or something by my word choice of telling him that.

"I haven't slept with anyone expect from before the wedding. It's been about over a month since the wedding, Serena."

"Well why haven't you, Jason? I'm nothing but an object in your game."

"What game, Serena? You think my father just handed over the companies to me?! No! I worked my ass off to get to where I am today. He didn't just give them to me. I worked extremely hard almost nine hard long years of work to earn those companies. I started working at it when I was nineteen. I didn't just get handed those companies. I earned them with my hard work. Yeah, I needed you to get me the last one but that doesn't matter since I have them now."

"Oh so what? You want a divorce? I'll give it to you. I have no feelings for your stupid ass anyway." I told him. But you did, Serena! You had feelings for him! He wasn't the nicest at times but when he was it made me see why anyone could fall for him.

Oh fuck. I fell for him.

"You have to wait at least six months to get a divorce, Serena." He rolled his eyes. "Oh wait." He smirked. "I'm a billionaire so I can have a divorce in two minutes if I call my lawyer now."

I smacked his arm.

"Ow. Fuck." He whined like a baby. But he was always whining and complaining.

"Shut up." I mumbled to him.

He looked at me and sighed.

Something with Jason changed that night because he became a little nicer to me, he wasn't that much of an ass. He was always an ass but still.

Jason's birthday was in a couple short days. October 12th was his birthday.

The doorbell rang and rung through the house. I got off the couch and opened the door to find Lisa. "Lisa!" I grinned and hugged her.

Lisa hugged me back and came inside. "Ready to plan Jason's party?" She asked me pulling away from the huge. A large smile was spread across her face.

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