Fashion Police (pt. 1)

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"Marinette!" Her mother yelled across the house. "Did you eat the baguette Nadia was going to take home?"

The girl sat straight in her bed, yawning as her mother continued to yell. Tikki next to her dived deep into the sheets as if doing that would get rid of the noise. She yelled back, "No! I bet it was dad! Ask him!"

"Oh, lord," Her mother replied, the yelling ceasing.

Marinette Dupen-Chang stood up and looked herself in the mirror. Her blue hair was made into a terrible mess while her blue-bell eyes remained beautifully deep as always. Her mother would always wake her up ten minutes before the alarm, maybe because she always arrived late to school, that causing her to have detention tonight. She couldn't afford Hawkmoth akumatizing another victim today, not today. The director was even coming to detention to watch her carefully.

Marinette always had an excuse to leave.

She put on her normal clothes, her favorite grey jacket followed up by her pink jeans and her white with a black and pink flower design t-shirt on the left right corner. She designed those clothes and if she could-she would design everything around Paris. Her presents would always include some kind of fashion item towards it. Like for Adrian's birthday she gave him a blue scarf, that turned out being a gift from his dad, she didn't know why. Or at Christmas when she gave to him a Santa hat that later turned out to be the real Santa's hat and...

"You're going to be late!" Her mother yelled. "Like always!"

"I'm coming, mom!" Marinette yelled back and raced down the stairs to the kitchen. It was a nice and peaceful Saturday morning, but she knew that if she missed detention, the director would not be happy with her and neither would Alya that got detention only for her by saying the chemistry teacher was an ugly witch. 

Marinette was glad her friend decided to do such thing, but the real reason Marinette was excited to go was because Adrian would also be coming. She remembered his blonde, soft hair, softer than any silk she'd ever wore or his green eyes that would always remind her of dreams and wonderland. His smile was like the only trigger to activate Marinette's heart. She'd been meaning to tell him about his feelings for a long time, but just like her friends would say: Boys are blind. 

She ate her french toast quickly, secretly passing Tikki who was still sleeping in her bag some kind of bites and packing cookies, just in case. After looking at the hour, she yelped in surprise, kissed both of her parents and dived out of her house.

"Chloe?" The director called.

"Present." replied the blonde hair girl looking at Adrian romantically, sharing him a wink. 

The director sighed. "Is Marinette late again?"

"No! I'm here!" Marinette yelled storming into the room quickly before the bell would mark. The direct shot a suspicious look at her and nodded. She sat down on her normal place, next to Alya and in front of Adrian who was already there. To her surprise-which was not a surprise at all-Chloe had taken Nino's seat who never got detention even if it was the last thing he did. 

Sabrina, who had gotten detention only for Chloe, sat in her normal seat, sighing whenever she looked over at Chloe. Guilt spread over Marinette's stomach, Sabrina did everything to please Chloe and she didn't do anything over Sabrina. Marinette understood why Hawkmoth would akumatize Sabrina, her whole life was negative feelings.

"You know the rules." The director said, sitting down in their teacher's chair. "Talking is allowed, no headphones or phones allowed, no yelling or running and no going to the bathroom for an hour."

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