The cat and the ladybug

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"Tell me the story where the cat falls in love with the ladybug again!" Manon said, clapping cheerfully as Nadia climbed down the stairs of Marinette's room. She blushed as she sat down in her pink chair as the five-year-old toddler moved and danced around.

"I've told you that story at least five times now." Marinette complained, well not really. She loved telling how Chat Noir fell in love with her, and maybe how she fell in love with him back. Last night clouded her thoughts too much, she blushed every time their neighbors black cat would hop on, meowing for food. "Don't you like to hear another one?"

Manon shook her head and sat in the middle of the floor, legs crossed. "I just love them together! Don't you?"

Marinette shrugged. "Don't you think Ladybug is in love with someone else that isn't Chat Noir? Or how much she thinks of him and what to say so she shouldn't break his fragile heart even if she doesn't know a lot about him?"

Manon giggled and took out her previously akumatized wand. "Marinette, you talk as if you are Ladybug."

Marinette chuckled nervously. Sometimes children could be smarter than adults.

"Hey, Adrikins!" Chloe yelled, waving at him as he entered her father's hotel. He hated Natalie as she giggled behind him. Today in the morning, they made a bet. If his father would congratulate Natalie on her birthday, Adrien would have to spend an entire day with Chloe. Adrien said he wouldn't do it and Natalie said he would. To his surprise, his father entered the room, congratulating Natalie on her birthday and giving her a star-shaped necklace. 

Adrien looked back at Natalie and looked at her smiling. "You know I'm only doing this for you. Consider this my birthday present."

Natalie patted him in the back. "I've told your father where you'll be and who you'll be with. Good luck, and try not to rip your ears off or your eyes while being stuck with that monster."

Adrien sighed and waved as Natalie got into his limousine and drove away. Chloe laughed and hugged him, kissing his cheek as he pulled away from her. She tugged his sleeve and dragged him into the elevator. He thought of Ladybug, all of a sudden. She had kissed him. Every time he thought of that, he had to stop himself from screeching and 'fangirling' so hard, people might recognize the huge crush he had on her.  

Chloe opened the door to her room and invited him inside. He yelped as Lila stood on the bed, smiling nervously and waving at him. Adrien waved back and settled on the couch, far away from both of the girls stating to talk. He hadn't talked too much with Lila since Ladybug had roasted her and since she became Volpina, which still scared him to death. what if Ladybug discovered if he was Adrien at one point?

It wouldn't matter. She would finally discover who he was.

"So, Adrien, do you have a crush on someone?" Lila asked, batting her eyelashes as if she wanted to remake their friendship, if that's what you called it. She had lied to him all along, he didn't trust her one bit. 

It was hard for him not to smile. "No."

"Come on, there's thousands of pretty girls out there dying for your love." Chloe said, flipping her artificial hair backwards. "Like us."

"You're not my type." He said gently. "Neither of you, but no offense."

"None taken." Lila said, turning around. "Is it maybe Alya? Juleka, Rose or Alix?"

"Don't tell me it's Sabrina-ewww." Chloe said, rubbing her sunglasses that were most expensive than their school. "Could it be Marinette?"

"Just like Marinette, everyone else is just a friend and to say so, they're kinder than you. How do you feel in being the one person that has akumatized most people?" He asked, fixing his gaze on Chloe.

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