Is it going to get easier? (pt. 1)

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*picture isn't mine* Enjoy!

Marinette's eyes, or rather Ladybug, shot wide open, she sat straight up and started panting as if she'd run a marathon. She looked around, it looked like Chat Noir wasn't near her which made her heart sank. Ladybug picked up her yo-yo that had fixed itself once her akuma was destroyed. She looked around once more time.

She was in a dark and narrow hallway that seemed eternal. Ladybug looked behind her shoulder only to find a wall, she sighed, made up her mind and continued going. The hallway seemed to go on and on until she arrived to what looked a circular room, very different from Hawkmoth's layer.

"Hello?" She asked, her voice bouncing off the walls, coming back as an echo. She swallowed and started again. "Hello? Chat Noir? Is anybody there?"

"You're pathetic." A voice said making her turn around and face Marinette but it wasn't Marinette. This Marinette let her hair down, which Ladybug always hated, and wore designer clothes. She was still with Adrien, holding his hand but he seemed depressed like this wasn't the girl he loved. Behind her, Chloe and Sabrina smiled at her, wrapped an arm around her and took selfies together. Alya and Nino around the corner. "I can't believe I was like that at one time."

Ladybug blinked. "How-those-those clothes?"

Marinette looked down at her outfit and scoffed. "Oh,  yeah, only seven thousand euros, too cheap. After I realized being Ladybug was just a waste of my time, I sole the miraculous to Hawkmoth and he, as Gabriel Agreste, rewarded me with his son's hand in marriage and a lot of money!"

Ladybug swallowed. "Adrien isn't happy with someone like you. What happened to me? Why would I sell the miraculous?"

"Because we both know we aren't capable of reaching such power." Marinette said, observing her nails then whipped her hair backwards and, with Adrien at her heels like a servant, made her way into the school. What Ladybug saw horrified her. Marinette acted like she was Chloe's best friend, not Sabrina. She bothered Alya more than anybody as in throwing her food at her. She would make Nino trip over things and would use Adrien's homework, changing her name, and use it as her's, kissing him for a reward which didn't even seem like a reward for him.

Her parents were divorced, Master Fu was dead and Paris belonged to Hawkmoth who had both of the miraculous and used them to blind Isabella and Adrien over his mistakes. Now, the Agreste family wasn't broken-it was corrupt. 

"This isn't going to happen." Ladybug said to the air which came back as a hysterical laugh. "Whatever your planning Hawkmoth won't happen."

Hawkmoth appeared from the distance and snapped his fingers. The vision of that horrifying Marinette disappeared and Ladybug allowed herself to breathe. Hawkmoth slapped his hands together and in came a yell, Chat Noir landing next to her. She cried in relief and knelt next to him, wrapping her arms around him to lift him up, then search for injuries. When she realized not a finger had laid on him, her attention fixed back to Hawkmoth who looked like he was about to eat some popcorn along with their show.

"What do you want?" Ladybug cried at him. 

"I want my family back again." Hawkmoth replied through gritted teeth.

Chat Noir stepped in front of Ladybug. "It was you who lost it in the first place. I'm not coming back to you and neither is my mom. Not after what you did to her." His face turned pale. "The knife...the blood. Did you really kill her?"

Hawkmoth laughed. "Did you honestly think I would kill the woman I love? That blood belonged to t he gorilla, he's dead-protecting your mother, so ridiculous. I'm here to fight you two for the miraculous. I figured out it was the easy way to just take your miraculous while you woke up. Would it get any easier? I want it the hard way. You're going to fight me."

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