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"Sorry if I was late," Chat Noir said as he sat down next to Ladybug who had picked up a couple of snacks. It was their first time patrolling, he wanted it to be right. He had the genius idea-who he stole it from Alya who thought they did patrols-to actually patrol. Ladybug agreed with him, they put down a place and time and here they were. "The roofs are suddenly filled with traffic."

She smiled at his joke. That never happened. He sighed as he sat down next to them, the Eiffel Tower shining ahead of them. She picked a bag of cookies and handed it over to him. He smiled, licking his lips and started eating them.

"So, what are we supposed to do again?" She asked looking around. Her hair looked bluer than usual, perhaps the moonlight shining perfectly on her, her attractive features popping out. What was he saying? Every part of Ladybug was perfect. "I mean, it's not likely people get akumatized at night. When has that ever happened?"

"Just in case someone needs our help." He said, his mouth full. His father would be disappointed. "You never know when duty may call."

She rolled her eyes. "Like you knew anything about being on time. You're always late for the missions!"

He gasped and put a hand on his chest, acting offended. "Name one."

Ladybug smiled. "The Bubbler, Dark Cupid, Pixelator, Theater Madness-"

"Hey, who saved you in that one?"

She ignored him and continued to count, she had at least six fingers now. "Horrificator, Santa Claws, Pharaoh-"

"Hey, hey, hey, I get it." He said smiling sarcastically. Ladybug smiled back and pulled her knees to her chest. "I mean, we weren't ready when they got akumatized, now we are."

She rolled her eyes. "I'm just thinking this is a chance in spending time together."

"Yes and no." He said. "The people come first."

Ladybug beamed wider and looked over the Eiffel Tower as if she was redesigning it in her head. That was another of the plenty things he loved about her, when she wasn't worrying over akumas, he could clearly see she was somewhere else. It wasn't clumsy and irresponsible like most people thought it was, but adorable. People who were clumsy were adorable to him. 

"OK," He said brushing the crumbs of the cookies out his fingers. "This is depressing, ask me a question."

Her smile disappeared. "Why?"

"Ask me a question."

She grunted and faced him. "What's your favorite color?"

He smiled. "Either green or black, can't decide. Now it's my turn to ask you a question. What do you want to be when you're older?"

She thought for a moment, but her eyes gleamed with excitement when she said it. "A fashion designer. Almost like Gabriel Agreste, but with my personality in my clothing, so people who are unknown with the outfit would just smile and say it's mine."

"It suits you purr-fectly." He said.

She scoffed. "God, how nice it was when you didn't say a pun."

"I a-paw-logize." He said, raising his eyebrows in a flirty way.

She nudged his ribs. "Apologize taken. What do you want to be when you grow up?"

His face went pale. Sure, people had always wondered what would the fantastic and perfect son of the designer want to be when he grew up, but he didn't know. He was always caught up with the present, the future and the past didn't seem much important. Ladybug noticed his change of actions and said, "If you don't want to tell me you don't have to."

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