What became of him

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First darkness.

Then wind.

And finally, the impact.

Adrien struggled to move. Of course he'd tried to survive, he couldn't leave Ladybug alone to fight for herself with Hawkmoth. He used his cataclysm to destroy some rocks and use them as a surf board, but even that was just not worth it. Thankfully, his miraculous ran out after Adrien landed, the impact making his vision blurry. Plagg was next to his, his cat, green eyes wide and filled with worry. His body was petrified, couldn't even move a muscle, not even his eyes. 

Around him, the darkness stirred. Or not darkness anymore. Adrien had been so used in seeing darkness as Chat Noir what was ahead of him wasn't darkness. In fact, it was light-daylight. He heard murmurs and then screams as Adrien managed to twitch his fingers, his senses came back alive. His fingers were wet, not with water that was slippery and cool, but with a thick and vile substance-blood.

"That's Gabriel Agreste son!" Someone called out. Perfect, he was out in the open. His eyes got used to what was in front of him, he finally realized it seemed like he had jumped out of the Eiffel Tower. Is that were the maze is? Is that were Ladybug is? People stood before him, gluing his eyes down onto him like he was an angel that fell from the sky. 

"I know him!" A voice said that scattered all the people away. Above him, Alya watched in horror as Adrien croaked out something, not even his brain could process what his mouth said. Alya knelt next to him ass sirens echoed. "Don't worry, I'm not leaving you. What were you doing? Why did you jump?"

"Marinette," His last words were as everything turned white.

He was suddenly hauled into a room, people around him moving mechanically programmed, murmuring to each other as one nurse popped into his view. She sighed in relief and lean towards him, her voice gently and her breath hot on his ear. "Don't worry, you're fine. You have some broken ribs and internal bleeding but nothing we can't fix. Whatever fight you have in there, better bring out now, hon. Do you have anybody you really care about? Parents? Friends? Girlfriend?"

He nodded. "Ma-Marinette."

The nurse nodded like she understood those two love for each other. Adrien knew she had no idea. He felt the prickling sensation of a sharp needle injecting into his arm, the sensation spreading throughout his body as his eyelids suddenly felt heavy. He swallowed as he looked at the nurse, she was so sweet, trying to help him. She nodded again and pushed a couple of locks on his forehead away and whispered again, "Okay. Fight for Marinette. She's out there somewhere waiting for you, don't you want to see her again?"

Adrien nodded.

 For Marinette. 

For Marinette.

For Marinette. 

For Marinette.

For Marinette.

For Marinette.

For Marinette.

For Marinette.

For Marinette.

For Marinette.

For Marinette.

For Marinette.

For Marinette.

For Marinette.

For Marinette.

For Marinette.

His eyelids were tightly pressed against each other. 

 For Marinette.

For Marinette.

For Marinette.

For Marinette.

For Marinette.

For Marinette.

For Marinette.

For Marinette.

For Marinette.

For Marinette.

For Marinette.

For Marinette.

For Marinette.

For Marinette.

For Marinette.

For Marinette.

He entered the operation room.

 For Marinette.

For Marinette.

For Marinette.

For Marinette.

For Marinette.

For Marinette.

For Marinette.

For Marinette.

For Marinette.

"He isn't going to make it unless we put him into...." The doctor's voice trailed off. Again, his fingers were damped with his own blood. As they put him to sleep, Adrien fought to  stay awake, he wanted to know if he was going to survive or not. He wanted to know so he could take his last breaths carefully, his last thoughts thought carefully, his lasts beats significant.

"Is it the only way?" The nurse asked. "Too many love him for losing him like that."

"If we don't do it the boy will die." The doctor stated, his heart sinking. "I'm not letting him die because of that. Were doing what I say."

Adrien closed his eyes again. They were going to save him, they were going to help him survive and heal so he could go and check on Marinette and kill Hawkmoth in the meantime. He didn't want to be in the hospital because Ladybug was out there fighting his father, if she died because of him...Adrien could never live again. He would ask the doctors to put him to sleep, only for eternity.

"Am I going to die?" croaked Adrien as everything around him started to spin.

"Not if you keep that out of your mind." The nurse replied.

Adrien nodded. 

For Marinette.

His mind started to go white, like everything was being plucked out.

For Marinette.

Pain started to fill his entire body making him wince too much, they gave him other dosis. 

For Marinette.

He slowly felt himself separating to his old personality like he wasn't Adrien anymore. 

For Marinette.

Enough pain traveled his body for him to feel like he was two different people, like they were grabbing Chat Noir and were pulling him out of Adrien's mind, body, soul. 


They were separated now, two souls flying aimlessly in the dark, lost without anything to steer them, memories flying around, lost more than the two souls, confused and worried to where they would go to.



For who?



LadyNoir-Just a dreamOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara