Wonderland (pt. 1)

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"We found Wonderland, you and I got lost in it..." (Part inspired by Taylor's song)

"Finish the chapter from Alice in Wonderland for tomorrow!" The teacher said as the bell rung, scaring Marinette to death. She had been reading so deeply she forgot for a fraction of a second who she was, where she was.
"So if you were in Wonderland what would it be?" Alya asked as the two girls left school

Marinette blushed with a dreamy sigh. "A land filled with Adrien's."

Alya snickered and nudged Marinette in the ribs as the two girls crossed the street to arrive at Marinette's bakery. Her father greeted them with a quick smile then his attention lost focus of the two girls and back to the bread he was making. His mother waved at the two girls from the cash registration, winking over at Marinette.

Marinette and Alya both climbed the stairs up to her room and Marinette threw herself over the bed. "What am I going to do, Alya?"

Alya shrugged. "I never know what I'm doing half of the time so..."

Marinette smiled and Alya's phone rung. Her friend accepted the phone call and went to the balcony to discuss with whoever was talking. After short moment, Alya returned apologizing to Marinette telling her she had to leave because her little sister had gotten incredibly sick. Marinette told Alya nothing was wrong and her friend left the bakery urgently.

"MARINETTE!" Manon yelled coming from below the bakery, a new friend of her's at her side. "This is Alice, my best friend. Alice, meet Marinette."

The shy girl looked over at Marinette and smiled. She awfully looked like the girl from Wonderland, maybe that's how they got her name. Alice was shorter than Manon but golden hair with a black headband. Instead of a blue dress, she had a red one with a butterfly in the middle. 

"Hello, Alice, are you here to play with us today?" Marinette asked, kneeling down to hug Manon tightly.

Alice nodded slowly.

Marinette smiled and approached her desk with the board game Manon had brought the other day to play with. She centered the game in the circle she and the two girls had created. She opened the box, explained them how it worked and started playing.

"Yes! Seven!" Manon exclaimed moving her figuring over the correct spot. "I won! Yes! I finally win something!"

"Um," Alice said. "I kinda won before you. See this little princess? She's me. I told you I won but you didn't hear me."

Both of the girls flashed a look at Marinette like they waited for her to fix the problem. Marinette started stammering then said, "Don't worry, we'll repeat the game and this time yell when you win."

"No!" Alice yelled stomping her foot on the ground and kicking the game. Marinette gasped. "I won, Manon is just jealous over how good I am at playing and not her!"

"Alice..." Manon started but it was too late. The younger girl left Marinette's room sobbing uncontrollably. "I didn't mean it Marinette."

"I know." replied Marinette. "Sometimes you need to know when you lose and when you win and accept it like a good player."

Manon nodded and just like nothing, a bubble appeared out of the trapdoor of her room. The two girls stared at it oddly and thought it was no threat, little did they know it was. The bubble landed flatly on Manon's left arm and both of them were surprised in seeing it didn't pop. Suddenly, a cloud of air surrounded Manon, the little girl screaming for Marinette's help. Marinette stood up to help but she couldn't do anything, not while the cloud surrounding Manon and she couldn't change into Ladybug now.

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