Wonderland (pt. 2)

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Ladybug slowly came back to her senses. 

Next to her, Chat Noir stirred until he jumped awake and both of them squinted to the amount of light in front of them. After their eyes got adjusted, what was in front of them was nothing other but Wonderland. Their Wonderland. Chat Noir pulled her to her feet and brushed the dirt of his suit.

Ladybug was to mesmerized to actually say anything. In front of her where colorful hills all vivid green with flowers she had never seen before, butterflies and ladybugs flying all around. Chat Noir whistled next to her as they found their land filled with goodies. The grass was awfully the same color as the hills and their flowers were the same. 

"Were are we?" He asked as Ladybug caught a glimpse of the forest. "Where should we go?"

She shrugged her shoulders. "Were in Wonderland's territory now. We need to follow her rules."

Chat Noir grunted. "I hate following rules that aren't mine."

 They approached the forest slowly with tall trees the size of the Eiffel Tower with vivid colors, some had purple leaves, other hand orange leaves and pink leaves and blue leaves, but not ordinary green leaves, in fact, Ladybug was was sure there was nothing like ordinary here in their wonderland.

They continued walking through a row of trees almost getting lost by the path of black bricks. Ladybug shivered as they passed a river but instead of clear blue water, there was white transparent water and instead of fishes swimming, a combination between a squirrl and a rabbit was swimming.

She gasped and backed away, tumbling into Chat Noir's arms.

"We need to get out." She muttered looking around. "Do you think your cataclysm will work?"

"It worked with the Pixelator." He murmed looking at the ground. "I don't think so."

Ladybug sighed and scanned their area, they had clearly been lost. It was Wonderland, they couldn't possibly find their way. Suddenly, from the white water a wave exploded flying in the sky making a sort of circle. Both of their eyes stuck to the cloud as Wonderland appeared from it, laughing hysterically.

"You are trapped!" She exclaimed and laughed. "Funny who you are the first ones that got trapped together."

Ladybug felt Chat Noir's eyes burning into her back.

Wonderland continued. "Usually people have their own wonderland to travel in, but I guess your so connected you share the same wonderland! This is your place, not mine which is a common mistake people make once entering. You make the rules, you follow them and I destroy them! My simple rule is this-your wonderland will be timed. If you don't hurry up my cloud will come and snatch your miraculouses! Hurry up, little heroes."

Without another word, the water released Wonderland's image and dropped down back into the river.

Ladybug turned to  look at Chat Noir. "We need to find a way out. Try your cataclysm."

He nodded, "Cataclysm!"

From his hand, a black new source of energy came out. Chat Noir smiled pleasefully and placed his hand gently on the floor. The floor broke, but sadly for them, it didn't release them out of Wonderland, instead they fell into pitch darkness as their yells echoed down. Both of them fell into another darkness but a hard surface. Ladybug grunted as she stood up and heard the beeping of Chat Noir's miraculous. 

With that, she followed him until she touched his shoulder-or was it his cheek?

"You here?" She asked patting his shoulder-or was it his cheek?

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