Fashion Police (pt. 2)

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"Up for another fashion statement?" Fashion Police said, turning around to face Ladybug and Chat Noir. "You can't possibly beat me with that tail and that yo-yo! They're horrifying!"

Chat Noir grunted and prepared for attack. Ladybug nodded and both of them attacked from different ways. Chat Noir attacked from the left, he was agile and dodged all of the blasts Fashion Police threw at him. Once he was close to hit him with his stick, he did so and Fashion Police was sent flying away landing on a building, part of the roof coming down towards him.

Ladybug smiled over at Chat Noir who blushed furiously. 

She approached the suit carefully, Chat Noir following behind her as quickly as ever Fashion Police stood up and threw a rock at Ladybug, she dodged it quickly and realized it had hit Chat Noir. His right foot was trapped under it and whenever he moved, he started to complain. Ladybug moved towards him, but Fashion Police wrapped an ugly sweater around her waits and pulled her towards him.

"Ladybug!" Chat Noir a look of despair and fear flashing before her eyes. He extended out his hand, and so did she like they actually thought it would work, but she was too far away. She saw the way he wanted to move, but the pain in his leg was too much. "Hang in there!"

She tried to wriggle out of the sweater's embrace. "Believe me, it's not like I could run away."

"You!" Fashion Police said and pointed his finger at her nose. Ladybug swallowed and leaned back, but she was still trapped. Her eyes flashed to Fashion Police's suit. Somehow, a corner of a paper popped out. It was something from a newspaper. Maybe that's where the akuma was, the problem was reaching it. Chat Noir was in great pain and trapped and she was a sweater. "I will exterminate ladybugs! I've always hated the color red."

Ladybug slowly closed her eyes as the blast was intercepted by Chat Noir's stick. She smiled at him once more and he didn't blush this time. He was standing away from the rock but he was limping and he was in no stage for a fight. Ladybug whispered, "Lucky Charm!"

From the air, a pair of silver scissors emerged and fell on the floor. She nodded quickly at Chat Noir and he dived for them, ignoring the pain in his leg. Fashion Police grunted and kicked Chat Noir away. She yelled his name but he didn't answer. That made her angry. From her right side, she tried to wriggle her arm free, her yo-yo coming out of it. She hit Fashion Police in the face with the yo-yo as he fell down to the ground, the sweater lose over here. 

"Sorry, Dexter." She muttered, grabbed the two pair of scissors and ran for Chat Noir. He was slumped in the floor and had several cuts on his face. "I'm going to change, can you manage these two scissors on your own?"

Chat Noir nodded. "How much will you be gone?"

"Can't say that exactly but-"

"LOOK OUT!" Chat Noir yelled, grabbed her by the waist and stabbed his stick into the wall for a building. If Chat Noir hadn't moved her, the blast would've hit her. Fashion Police looked up at them and smiled. "Be careful, Ladybug."

"I-I'm sorry I'm leaving you like this and-"

"Shh," He said, calming her down. Even if Chat Noir annoyed her to pieces, she loved the way he would always calm her when in battle she was afraid. "You go, I don't care if I turn into something ugly-just don't let it be a derby hat. I don't like those."

She smiled as she jumped out of his embrace and into the roof. Behind her, a blue blast echoed followed up by the end of Chat Noir's voice. She hated when he took sacrifices for her, it made her heart turn into a huge hole and it almost reminded her how much awfully close she was in falling in love with him-lucky for her, Adrian was still around.

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