Too far away

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She never thought Chat Noir's words could affect her in such way. She was so sure Adrien was the only person that would belong with her-but can it be possible Chat Noir too? Marinette told her mom that morning she was sick and didn't wish to go to school, even if her mom didn't believe it, everybody who knew Marinette could see something was seriously wrong.

He had finally said it-I love you. Even if he attempted to say it on Valentines Day, he hadn't pronounced it correctly and she had barely heard him over the sound of Dark Cupid's laugh, but she always knew his feelings, she never thought he had enough courage to actually say anything, then his speech that left her speechless. Chat Noir never left her speechless.

What was happening?

When her mom was busy down in the bakery, Marinette grabbed her millions magazines of Adrien and looked at him, she wanted to feel that her heart was hammering, that her mind had suddenly forgotten to speak English whenever she looked at him, but she was just looking at the cover of a teen super model that just happened to be in her class...and was extremely hot. Her feelings for Adrien still remained, but they had grown weaker.

Never in her life would she expect that moment happening. Marinette sighed and threw a pillow over her head as if that would suck out the new feelings she had over Chat Noir. How, that with only a few single words she looked at him in another way? He still remained to be the puns master, the bad flirting guy, the cat that fell in love with the ladybug, but the ladybug loved human boy...right? That's how the story went, that's how she wanted it to stay.

That day, Manon came over for her normal babysitting. Marinette played with her just like every other average day, but even the little girl could sense something was bothering Marinette. Manon made Marinette sat down in the couch, the little girl stood in front of her and raised her eyebrows. "What's wrong, Marinette?"

"Nothing!" She replied, to her relief, her voice sounded believable. "I'm just tired."

"Your not playing with me." Manon complained.

"If I'm tired I can't play that well." Marinette said and leaned on the couch then sighed. "You wouldn't understand."

"Yes I would." Manon said, flashing a quick smile at Marinette. "Does it have to do with that boy in the park I took photos with?"-she gasped-"Did he kiss you?"

Marinette laughed and stood up. "No, it's someone else I have in my mind now and I just know how to find that person."

Manon looked as confused as ever. 

"CHAT NOIR!" Ladybug yelled, running over the roofs of Paris. She knew if she continued to yell people would start to think something was terribly wrong, and there was no akuma to worry over. If he was around, she would catch his attention. She was catching the attention of every other person in Paris walking around, some had taken out their phones and started recording her calling his name. She had to calm down, maybe if they talked this over she would wake up and realize her heart belonged to Adrien, yes, that would happen.

She sighed, her legs aching after such a run and she sat down hard on the stone on top of a building. She looked at Paris, scanned the streets as if that could help her find him. She yelled in surprise as Chat Noir poked her back and sat down next to her. She sighed, her heart slowing down in realizing it was him and not some evil super villain trying to take her Miraculous.

"You seemed to have called for me." He teased and flashed her a smile. Somehow, that made her heart yelp inside which should not happen. "Is something wrong?"

"I thought about what you said yesterday." Ladybug said softly. "It's been in my head ever since."

Chat Noir turned to look at her, truly look at her with those eyes he had. He scanned her body, up to the first hair to the last cell of her toes. He seemed to be debating whenever or not to see if she was the real Ladybug or another akumatized person like Theater Madness who wanted Ladybug gone so that Chat Noir was hers. 

"What should I say now?" He asked and laughed. "God, Ladybug I was only saying to get it out of my chest, not so I could haunt you for the rest of our days."

She smiled weakly. "You still mean it, don't you?"

"Of course I mean it." He replied and looked at the Eiffel Tower. "Why? Am I finally getting into your heart?"

"You've always been in my heart." Ladybug said, then corrected herself. "As a friend, yet, your words...did you jinx me?"

"If I could, you would already be in my arms, m'lady." Chat Noir replied and she managed a laugh. "Look, I can get over you. If you tell me who you love, yes of course I'd kick that person over and over again when you leave, but I can tell them exactly what not to do to lure you away, I'm an expert at that."

"I can't say that." Ladybug said. "You might know him. Let's just remain friends, for now."

"Are you using me for a backup choice, m'lady?" He asked.

"You did say you weren't going to stop until you had my heart." She replied flashing a smile at him. "But yes, I could be. I-I'm afraid that if that person doesn't return the love, I'll be too hurt to actually talk to anybody."

"Hey, it can't be that serious." He teased, then said, "Well, if it is that just leaves me no choice but to upgrade my competition."

Ladybug rolled her eyes. "I need to confess to you something."

"Me too. Do we finally love each other? Promise not to cry." He said and by the look on her face, he laughed. "Ok, you go first."

"On Valentines Day," She started. "you were taken to the other side by Dark Cupid. You always asked me what did I do to reverse the spell, well, I kissed you."

Chat Noir remained quiet, then said, "I kissed you too, in the theater. It was the only way to get you back."

"Exactly." She said. "I did the same thing."

Ladybug nodded and stood up. She was much calmer now. "I need to go. I-er-my other part needs to be somewhere doing something. I can't stall for long. Bug out!"

She soared into the depths of Paris.

Chat Noir opened his mouth to say something and extend his hands as if she would grab it back, but she didn't look back, she didn't grab his hand.

They were too far away.


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