Two steps far from you (pt. 2)

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She had just transformed for her duty of patrolling when she started to hear people scream. Ladybug jumped from roof to roof only to see the true meaning of hell. Stormy Weather was laughing as she chased the girl who won her in the contest. Lady Wifi smiled as she recordered a footage in why she needed to discover Ladybug's identity. The Bubbler had made most of the adults go into the sky once more, Horrificator trapped people in her disgusting blob, Kung Food, Evilillustrator and every other villian that wished to get Anti-bug a piece of their mind as they argued.

She gasped and covered her eyes, tears staining from the corner of her eyes. Why was there so many villians? Who let them lose?

"LADYBUG!" A voice said that scared her. Ladybug turned around only to see Volpina smiling with her flute. "I didn't win last time, but now I think I will."

Ladybug threw herself out of the roof, using her yo-yo as a shield as Dark Cupid flew from the sky, aiming arrows at her. Puppeteer was looking over at the trash where Marinette had lastly threw away the dolls she wanted. Santa Claws was giving Roger Cop and Princess Fragrance  lift as they spotted Reflekta and Mr. Pigeon turning innocent people into Reflekta's to get a lift.

She ran through the roofs as Volpina, Dark Cupid and now Time Breaker followed her. There were too many, she couldn't do it all alone.

Where was Chat Noir?

She yelped as she bumped into someone, realizing it was Vanisher and landed on the streets where everything was pandemonium. Simon Says and Dark Blade had created an immense army as Guitar Villain and Stone Heart cheered them. They were all growing on her, people were counting on her and she had let them down. She ran up front to the army of them and swirled her yo-yo, knocking down innocent people sadly as she felt two strong arms wrap around her.

Her first instinct was that Chat Noir was messing with her, but she later realized a black panther was purring next to her and the Pharaoh had caught her. The Gamer with his pyramid came into the scene, cheering happily as Guitar Villain laughed.

Volpina chuckled as all the villains turned their attention towards her. "I guess we won now, Ladybug."

"How come all of you have an akuma?" Ladybug asked, fighting to get free out of the Pharaoh's grip, it was like fighting in a titanium cage. "Hawkmoth can only control one person."

"We're not answering anything." Lady Wifi said stepping over and winking at Volpina like they were lost friends. "Give us your Miraculous and we don't deliver you to our leader."

"Go ahead, I can handle Hawkmoth." Ladybug snapped. 

Stormy Weather laughed, and suddenly, so did all the other villains. The noise was so terrifying it made Ladybug's heart shake.

"Not Hawkmoth, bug." Dark Cupid spat. "But our other leader."

"I'd like to see him." Ladybug said, smiling as she slipped away from the Pharaoh's grip only to be trapped in a cage by the Evilillustrador. She groaned as she hauled herself to her feet to see the villains had gathered around in a circle, looking at her with wide eyes like they couldn't believe they had finally defeated her. What would her lucky charm be? Could she even do it in a cloud of monsters like this?

"Time, you know what to do." Volpina commanded as Alix came over and smiled, looking at her hand with power. Evilillustrador opened part of the cage and Ladybug was too scared to do anything as Time breaker placed her hand on her arm, Ladybug thought she was going to die, Time breaking catching her energy, but she found herself getting sleepy and closing her eyes, followed up by cheers and fireworks.

Ladybug gasped as she jolted awake. 

Where she was in was the most horrifying place she was in. She was tied in a way her whole body was stretching, her yo-yo was right under her, but destroyed, completely destroyed. She gasped as more tears stringed her eyes. To her surprise, everything around her was either white or black. there were cameras, she realized, for every villain. Roger cop, for example had finally reached revenge on the mayor, smiling as Paris now belonged to him. 

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