Time to say goodbye

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*picture isn't mine* Enjoy! Also, y'all RWBY fans will know what I'm talking about.

As Tikki ate, Marinette let everything spill. She told Tikki, her absence clearly an important role in Marinette's life, everything that happened. How Nathaneal cheated on her, how Nathaneal is now single because of Juleka's announcement. How she and Adrien are now together, realizing they loved each other no matter the space between them, no matter how many arms. Tikki, surprisingly, listen to Marinette while she devoured her cookies rapidly. She didn't want to miss the final battle to take revenge on Hawkmoth. He took many things away from her and she wasn't going to let him go easily.

"Are you ready?" Marinette asked Tikki as the last bite of the cookie vanished. Tikki nodded and perched herself on Marinette's shoulder. They were alone in the Eiffel Tower, nobody possibly could enter while Ladybug and Chat Noir were fighting off an akuma. Marinette shared that familiar look with her kwami as she flickered her earrings and said, "Tikki, SPOTS ON!"

Ladybug raced around the Eiffel Tower to see Chat Noir, Queen Bee and Green Shell cornering Gabriel Agreste. She landed quickly at the tip and flashed an alarming look at Chat Noir. His face showed no mercy at all. She reached out to grab his shoulder, and yanked him backwards, his face snapping back to reality. Gabriel snickered as he stood on the railing.

"You're right. I cannot believe I lost." Gabriel muttered, locking eyes with the four super heroes as Volpina entered the Eiffel Tower, landing next to Ladybug. He pulled out two slim daggers and balanced them swiftly in his hand. He eyed the super heroes carefully as he jerked his arm back and then the knife flew out of his hand, landing a couple of inches away from Queen Bee's face. Gabriel laughed maniacally and jumped from the Eiffel Tower. Ladybug cried his name, then ran towards the edge. 

She looped her yo-yo around the railing and jumped out of the Eiffel Tower too. Thankfully, she was quicker than expected and managed to grab Gabriel before he fell into the ground. But she was naive and trusted easily. Gabriel smiled up next to her and took out his knife. Fear made her eyes widen as the tip of the knife grazed her skin. She cried out in pain and dropped Gabriel, touching the wound on her cheek, fresh and deep just like Chat Noir's.

She unhooked her yo-yo from the railing on top and started falling, the wind rustling in her ears. Above her, Volpina and Queen Bee had started jumping out of the tower themselves. Queen Bee with her wings and Volpina with her flying carpet. Despite the fact Gabriel had just hurt her, it wasn't enough reason to let him crash into his death. Ladybug threw her yo-yo at Gabriel's direction and tangled him up and she pressed him against the wall of the Eiffel Tower. Before Ladybug could react, Chat Noir had his arms wrapped around her waist and secured her into the little paths of the Eiffel Tower as Queen Bee dropped next to them.

"My heroes." Gabriel beckoned, his face close to spitting out cursing words. "Let me go. You're not doing anything with me, anyway."

"Suicide is not the solution!" Ladybug cried out, neglecting to belief someone might kill themselves only to shrug their problems away. 

"I knew you were going to rescue me." Gabriel said, his eyes narrowing to her cut. Ladybug forgot all about it. Her hand trailed up to touch it and when she lowered it, her fingertips were damped with blood. 

Chat Noir exploded.

Gabriel Agreste had his feet dangling, his neck covered by Chat Noir's black glove wrapped around his neck, his face slowly changing from icy snow, to ocean blue, to violet. The super heroes were yanking Chat Noir back, trying to stop his behavior, but he was suddenly the strongest man alive. They were unable to yank him backwards and unable to have Gabriel breathing again.

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