Is it going to get easier? (pt. 2)

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*picture isn't mine* Enjoy!

"ADRIEN!" Ladybug called out over and over again, her voice shattering mirrors and hearts, a scream so powerful and deep it would put to cry an army of men. She sobbed, her throat burning as another sob rose up, making out of her mouth, as she whispered his name. Her muscles didn't hurt as much, her body not ready to leave one fragment of pain to be handed another. 

He was gone.

No matter how close she wanted to look at the darkness, she couldn't make his silhouette out, it was like he turned into a ghost before she could react. It happened too fast she couldn't do anything, her body was petrified and useless. She was Ladybug, this wasn't supposed to happen. Hawkmoth above was probably laughing at seeing his son kill himself by saving her. He gave his life for her. 

She sniffled and sobbed, cried and wept it seemed tears would never stop sliding down her face. Adrien was everything to her and now he was gone. How do parents wake up with one of their children gone? How do friends learn to have another one when their last one died? How would she replace the needle and thread she used to stitch Adrien's heart, if she had none left? 

Her grip on her yo-yo tightened. She would kill Hawkmoth for killing Chat Noir. She managed to climb with some pains around the way and landed on top. Hawkmoth looked at her, then down at her side where Chat Noir was supposed to be. His eyes widened. "You let him fall."

She jerked back, surprised. Her palms turned into fists. "I let him fall? He did that for me. He did that because he loved me, something you will never receive and if it wasn't for Natalie opening the ground, making us fall Chat Noir might still be alive!"

"He was my son!" Hawkmoth yelled, stepping towards her like she wasn't the super hero anymore and he wasn't the villain anymore. It was just the girlfriend and the father. 

"He was my boyfriend!" Ladybug yelled back, stepping towards him with a grater distance than him, making him step back. "What? You think I don't think you were grieving? Because of you he is dead! He might have stayed alive if you stayed hidden and made his life easier! We were perfectly fine, school, family, having each other until you came and destroyed everything."

Hawkmoth took out his firm blade out of his cane and aimed it at her heart, grabbing her throat and pulling her close. He grip he hand on her throat suffocated her, threatening to swipe her life away quicker than anything she'd seen. She gripped his hands on her throat, his eyes hard and filled with depths of despair. For a moment, she pitied him. Gabriel had lost everything, Adrien was  just another reminder of it. 

"I destroyed nothing." Hawkmoth whispered harshly, a hot breath stinking her face. "You destroyed everything. You opened my son's heart and he didn't need to."

Ladybug raised her knee and kneeled Hawkmoth. He let out a yell and backed away. She grabbed her yo-yo and knocked Natalie in the face, collapsing to the ground, a trickle of blood falling down her mouth as she closed her eyes, unconscious. She advanced to Hawkmoth, yelling, "LUCKY CHARM!"  

From the magical power, to reveal thousands of objects clattering down to the floor. She yelped as she avoided such things like a spoon, a rubber ball, glitter, marbles, a shoe box, a cloth, a candy apple, a coin, etc. She looked down at the objects, doubting if Tikki was just messing with her, already giving up when Ladybug realized Tikki had given her all of lucky charms she'd use. What was she going to do with all of them?

"That's your last hope?" Hawkmoth asked, gasping for air as he looked down at his injury, akumatized Natalie walking next to him and steadying him. "I don't care if my son loved her. Kill her."  

Natalie nodded and attacked Ladybug, hands stretched down. The two girls barreled down to the floor, grunting and groaning, punching and kicking. Ladybug avoided most of Natalie's blows, but it was the powers she couldn't avoid. Whenever Ladybug turned direction in running, a rock was there to stop her path and when she stood too much time in one space, a crack would appear under the floor, positioning in the same fate as Chat Noir.

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