Crumbling to ashes

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*video isn't mine* Enjoy!

"I hate her!" Adrien said through the phone, talking with Marinette. Last night, he and his mother had talked, but not in the way he had expected. His mother said it was best if both stayed separate, only for a short amount of time until Master Fu figured out what became of Hawkmoth. The anger inside him almost threatened to destroy him. He was sobbing now, he didn't understand why exactly they needed to stay apart. He needed his mother more than anything in the world. "I hate her!"

"Adrien, calm down." Marinette said, her voice worried. In normal circumstances, Nino would've been the first person he'd call, he understood the problems of his family better than anyone else, but he needed to hear the voice of the person that would always cheer him up, the person that remained to be his anchor from an ocean of darkness. "Maybe she just needs time to think."

"Think about what?" Adrien yelled back, tears starting to come out. "It's not like I'm asking her to replace all that time she wasn't with me, I'm just asking her to be a normal mother and come and cuddle her child. Is that hard to ask? Does she hate me that much she left and once she's back staying away?"

"She doesn't hate you." Marinette replied slowly. "If I were her, I'd want some time alone, maybe a couple of weeks. You should always give a woman space. When she's ready to talk, she'll talk. In the meantime, I'm here for you."

"I don't need you!" Adrien yelled and immediately felt guilty for it. Marinette went quite and he was sure his voice made more damage than stabbing her once more. "I-Marinette-I-I didn't mean that."

He heard her sigh over the line. "Look, your angry. I don't want to fight with you when your like that. Call me later."

"No," He said softly, the world crushing down into his shoulders. "Please don't go, look, I need you, I didn't mean that. Can you please just listen to me?"

"I've been listening to you!" Her voice came out quivering, perhaps she was already crying. "Adrien, seriously, I'm not in the mood to fight. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

"I can't wait!" He replied, sounding as hurt as she did. "Marinette, I need to talk to you. It seems like your the only one that understands-don't let me go."

"Adrien..." She spoke softly, like she was talking to an injured or traumatized child. "I really, really need to go."

"You just don't understand!" He yelled. "None of you do! Do you think being the boy who every girl in Paris loves is easy? It's not. My father turned out a corrupt, blood thirsty psycho that almost kills my girlfriend and trapped my mother for years, once I have my mother she doesn't want to talk to  me and pretends I don't exists and now my girlfriend is telling me she doesn't walk to talk anymore. Living with that on my shoulders-do you think that's easy?"

"You're not the only one with problems!" Marinette shot back. Neither of them had never been so angry with each other. "Adrien, I'm sick of you thinking your the one that always get's punished. I'm the one seeing you like this! I have to see you sob and demand for help, crumple to your knees like you can't breathe! I have to live with that but I do because I love you!"

He shook his head. "Then maybe you should story worrying."

Her voice went silent, then back again. "Why should I stop worrying? I'm doing this to protect you, to help you, to-"

"THEN MAYBE EVERYBODY SHOULD JUST LAY OFF MY BACK!" He yelled and with so much anger inside him, he cut the line dead. Adrien sighed and realized his hands were shaking with such anger he held. It was a mistake, he shouldn't have yelled at Marinette like that, he shouldn't have ended the line. What if she took it the wrong way? What if his paradise only lasted a couple of days because of his dumb mistake?

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