When she was queen

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*picture isn't mine* Enjoy! PG-13 ahead

Marinette had grown anxious Kim wasn't returning. Sure, Volpina had taken an individual time which each of them, but Kim had taken the longest. Not to mention Marinette recently heard cries-familiar cries. Theo Barbot  had opened her cell and thrust Manon in. Poor, terrified Manon. Marinette had wrapped the crying child carefully around her arms as she slept. Nathaneal rarely spoke now, but he would sometimes scribble things in the floor, besides her drawing that still mesmerized her. 

"We need to leave." Marinette said as Manon snored in her arms. Nathaneal turned around to face her, his eyes smoothing like a calming ocean. "We can't stay here any longer. Whatever they want with us, it's not good. I don't want none of you to get hurt." Marinette's eyes trailed down to Manon. Just a child. Nathaneal's hand cupped around her chin and he lifted it so they were at the same eye-level. Looking at him....she couldn't look at anybody else. "Why would they want a kid?"

Nathaneal shrugged. "Maybe the same reason why they want you and me. Everybody who's here has been akumatized."

Suddenly, the cells whipped open. Marinette jolted and Nathaneal's body went rigid as Volpina snickered at them and signaled to follow her. For a moment, every body trapped in the prison hesitated, afraid of what the future might bring, but eventually, Marinette struggled to stand on her feet and followed Volpina outside. She may not have her suit now, but she was Ladybug and she knew her friends would want this information. 

Nathaneal ran to catch up with her. From the narrow hallway, only two walking side by side, his hand slipped into hers. With Manon soundly asleep on her shoulder, Marinette was glad she had someone to lean on. She eyed every person that has been incarcerated. Rose helped Aurora up and the two of them walk behind Fred and Sabrina who seems close in crying. Kim is nowhere to be found. Eight. What would they want with eight, akumatizeless people?

"Sit down and don't say anything." Volpina snapped, leading them into a much bigger room with bright lights. In there, were fourteen chairs like the people were counted. Kim was sitting in one of them, without shackles. He could've easily attacked Theo who was working with the sound but didn't. He stayed right where he was. There was a podium next to the machines Theo was working with and Gabriel Agreste sat down in one of the chairs. Next to him, Volpina snickered. 

Marinette sat down on the closest chair next to the door, Manon finally awake sitting next to her and was starting to cry again. She was in the middle of her and Nathaneal. In front of her, Rose and Aurora sat down with dirty clothes and face. Fred sat next to Nathaneal and Sabrina next to the two girls.  

"Welcome," Gabriel Agreste said through a microphone. There was literally no reason. There were only eight people in a tiny room. Maybe Theo was just bored and wanted something to work with. "I'm sorry we had to drag you into such conditions, but if we just talked to you freely I'm afraid you wouldn't understand. As you can see, six people are missing. Don't worry, they'll join us soon once I have my hands on them. We should also thankful the arrival for Manon, our littlest member."

"Let's talk business!" Volpina said, rising to her feet and silencing Hawkmoth. "You are here because you were chosen, not because you were special. Here, in front of our very own eyes, is Hawkmoth, the villain that messed with your heads and akumatized you. He needs help. The ridiculous band of heroes have taken his miraculous, but we've taken one of theirs. We have a plan-there is a way to akumatized people without the miraculous and that is...human sacrifices."

Just as Volpina said it, chains grew out of the chairs to shackle the prisoners towards it. Marinette gasped in pain and Nathaneal struggled to get rid of them. Rose started praying, Aurora's face turned into the color of ashes, Fred was speechless, Sabrina was shaking her head over and over again, Manon started crying and Kim was...he was...

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