One step closer to you (pt.3)

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Queen Bee couldn't stop fidgeting with her hands.

"Stop doing that!" Volpina cried, pulling Queen Bee's hands away from each other. "It's our first mission as official superheros and we can't even make a plan to enter the tower!"

"What are we going to do?" The turtle superhero asked as he unleashed a shield that was camouflaged as his shell. "We can't do anything without Ladybug's guidance."

"Okay," Volpina said, her heartbeat fierce from inside. "Let's rescue her first."

"Chat Blanc will have somebody looking out for her." Queen Bee said, then crossed her arms. "I like it."

Ladybug observed as the orange creature moved around the walls, it almost seemed like a fox. What? Volpina was just in front of her, batting her eyelashes at Chat Blanc who could constantly blow a kiss back at her. Even if her insides wanted to explode, her eyes would soften at seeing Chat Noir like this, she was so close in finally falling for him,  yet so far. There was always that obstacle pulling them apart. She wanted to cry, fall down to her knees and let all the pain go out, but Volpina was there-and she would never allow herself to be seen weak in front of her. 

"I win again, my white cat." She said, knocking Chat Blanc's chess piece and offering him a smile. The sight of him returning the smile with so many feelings, didn't not only made her sick, but physically hurt. The way his eyes narrowed each of her movements, the way they would expand...

Ladybug saw the way he looked at Volpina.

It was almost the way he looked at her. 

"Are you jealous now?" Volpina asked as Chat Blanc disappeared from the room, apparently people had stopped being akumatized and were causing pandemonium near the loop. As much as she wanted to see, she even knew that the hope  was destroyed and nobody was coming to rescue her. "I'm finally getting everything I want. You, destroyed, and Chat Blanc is mine."

"It was Adrien." She snapped, struggling to get free and strangle Volpina. "I didn't steal him, I only put up with your lies about me. If you would've talked to him, he would've realized you were a bitch on his own."

She gasped. "Kitty! Ladybug is bothering me! When can we akumatize her?"

Chat Blanc entered the room, glancing behind his shoulder as if Volpina's cries were much more important than whatever was happening outside. Ladybug raised her eyes back to the last place she saw the orange blob and realize it was gone, it had moved places to near the cameras. How could it? Was it perhaps something with Chat Blanc? If it did, why was it always hovering around her? 

"Patience, my lovable fox." He said, fixing his gaze on her. She scoffed. Beneath all that madness, her Chat Noir rested. How could it be? Staring into a friends face, only recognizing a stranger? She wanted to yell at him to fight it, but she'd never tried it with the villains, friendship and love was something darkness could fight against.

Even if it was her love for him she decided to finally accept. 

"Where is Volpina?" Queen Bee asked frantically, as she used her power to control bees to attack against the akumatized villains who were powerless against such an army. When her forces would go down, Green Shell (the horrible name one of her partners came up with) would attack them with his shield, with one flicker, it would turn into a hammer out of iron. Queen Bee? All she got was an elegant, thin, yet deadly silver sword. 

"Let the fox take her time." Green Shell as he moved forward and shielded both of them from one of the villain's blasts. "Any ideas of what to do in the meantime?"

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