Nothing without you

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*picture isn't mine* Enjoy!

"You-you mean you know this girl?" Adrien asked, looking down at his bad sketches of the girl. To be honest, he was sure nobody would be able to capture her true beauty in a piece of paper. He got all the image wrong, he couldn't include the light in her eyes, charm in her smile and life on her laugh. Alya and Nino nodded, changing exchanged looks as Adrien cupped his hands over the coffee, a shiver running up his spine. Winter was coming. "Who is her? Why do I dream of her?"

Alya sighed dreamily, then shook her head. "It doesn't matter. You can't think about her anymore, you will only hurt yourself."

Adrien scoffed. "This girl has been haunting me. Whatever connection I have with her, I want to break it."

"Believe, it's already broken." Nino said sadly. "Don't say or show this to anyone. Don't ever mention her in your dreams, it's better if you forget this every happened."

They stood up abruptly, ready to leave. Adrien rose to his feet again, his voice coming out more in a pleading than an accusation. "I seemed to love her in my dreams, like she was the one thing I couldn't live without, like I was nothing without her. Who is her? I need to know."

Alya sighed and stared at the ground. "I'm not going to answer that no matter how much I want to. Just-just let go of her."

Without another word, she grabbed Nino's hand and left the coffee shop. Adrien sighed and sat back down, looking over at the scattered drawings of the girl. What  had they called her? Marinette. Her name was Marinette. "Marinette," He tried to say out loud, his voice coming out and hanged in the air. There were some names like Mildred and Myrtle, that the pronunciation wouldn't sound good. But Marinette...

"What-what are you doing?" Marinette asked her voice filled with doubt as Adrien guided her to the ice. "I'm not good with these things, I'll trip!"

"If you hang onto me, you won't have to." Adrien said, his neck warm thanks to the scarf she knit him for his birthday. Marinette obeyed him and grabbed his hands, her pink glove falling nicely on his and she stood close to him. He laughed and pulled her close, their face millimeters apart. From the benches, Alya and Nino whistled and demanded for more drama. Adrien rolled his eyes and Marinette laughed, as they broke apart to start skating hands interlaced. Marinette skated nimbly as Adrien skated like he was a professional since age three. Marinette looked adorable with her ladybug hat and scarf she had knitted herself, yet blushed furiously.

"I'm not good at this," She said before falling to the ground. Adrien laughed and laughed until his stomach seemed to explode, from the benches, Alya and Nino were taking video and were laughing as well, enjoying the little scene Marinette had made. She grunted and extended her hand and Adrien, still snickering, offered his hand to pull her up but he was thrown off balance when she pulled him towards her, falling next to her as both laughed equally. "But I am good in embarrassing both of us."

He laughed with her and stood up, offering his hand to pull her up again. She finally let this time and they continued to skate, his arm wrapped around her waist to guide her as they made at least seven hours in the skating rink. As they dropped their shoes, Alya pointed to a photo booth and the four of them immediately knew what to do. Nino grabbed Alya's hand and dragged her into the photo booth and Adrien second the action, grabbing Marinette's hand tightly against his and dragged her to the photo booth.

To their surprise, they all fit on the photo booth and started to make weird faces. Adrien reached out for Marinette's hand in every picture, on the first one, Adrien crossed his eyes, Alya pretended she was dead and Nino had killed her with an invisible ax and Marinette looked like a ghost. In the second picture, Marinette and Alya pretend to be dogs while Adrien and Nino pretended to be casts being chased by the two girls. In the third picture, Adrien pulled Marinette close and kissed her cheek by the time the camera snapped the picture, god knows how Alya and Nino looked like.

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