Return what was once mine

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*picture isn't mine* Enjoy!

Marinette had grown used to the touch of Nathaneal's hands on her own. When she was bored, she would trace her fingers along his and she would imagine what type of fabric she would use if she were ever get out and design Nathaneal a couple of gloves. Fred rarely spoke and they both found out other people were here. Sabrina, Aurora, Kim, Rose...all the other cells were empty. Nathaneal would grab a pair of rocks and would draw on the cell floor, but his hand would never leave Marinette's just like hers wouldn't leave his.

She was so surprised her tears hadn't come back. It was like Nathaneal was a dam, forcing them away from her. They didn't talk much. Not because they didn't want to, but because there was no talking needed. Their hearts and mixed breaths was enough to talk to each other, their souls would touch each other by no words at all.

Funny, was she falling in love again?

"Marinette," Nathaneal said, squeezing her fingers tightly and shifted positions so he was looking at her and Marinette was looking right back at him. Marinette froze in seeing how broken his eyes were. She wanted to just kiss the pain way, but Nathaneal would certainly feel crept out. "I-if we don't make it-I-I just want to-"

"No," It was her turn to squeeze his fingers. "We will make it. I've been through harder things than this. I know this man and I will hit him with everything I've got once I'm done because I want to see you again. God, I want to be with you more than anything because you're the only escape I have from Adrien breaking up with me and with you everything so light like I'm in a flock of clouds and there's nothing beneath me to hurt me."

"Are you messing with me?" Nathaneal asked and Marinette shook her head happily, tears stinging her eyes. "Marinette, if you're messing with me-"

She cupped his face with her hands, their noses inches apart. "Nathaneal Kurtzberg, when I'm with you, I don't know how to explain myself. It's like I've never fallen in love and Adrien doesn't exist which I'm glad because he ruined my life and I feel like I'm never going to love but you, you..."

She was interrupted by his lips being brought down to her.  Marinette tensed at first, knowing what she was doing was wrong. She wasn't done healing from Adrien, at least letting him go, but here she was, leaning deeper into the kiss as Nathaneal's hand traced down her neck to pull her close, his thumb was making circles around her that caused thousands of akumas to form on her stomach.

They pressed closer to each other until the bars were marked onto their skin, until it physically hurt to stay tighter and closer to each other. Nathaneal, poor boy desperately in love with her. Marinette would've never thought she was here, kissing him and falling desperately just like he was. She titled her head so Nathaneal could deepen into the kiss and she felt like she was in heaven, the same feeling of feeling loved, of being someone's sun and day. She felt the same, maybe less, while kissing Adrien. His kisses were always sweet and passionate, filled with bravery and always the urge to go farther than that. Nathaneal's kisses were a barrier their actions had to slowly knock down.

They break apart, breathless but Marinette wanted more. God, she wanted to Nathaneal to stay close to her and never let her go. "You know how much-how much I've longed-wanted to do that?" 

"Me too," She replied and her eyes landed on his lips. "You? You're Nathaneal! You're beautiful and sweet...and perfect and I could never hurt you!"

Nathaneal leans back, impressed. "You remember?"

She smiled and cupped her face between the bars and brushes her lips against him. "Of course I do. Not even Adrien has said something like that that managed to stay in my head for a long while. Sometimes when I'm without you, all I can think of is him but when I'm with you, it's like he never broke my heart for it. I love you for that."

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