Le parapluie noir

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*picture isn't mine* Enjoy! 13+

"What do you mean he's gone?" Queen Bee asked, ready to explode with nerves. 

Green Shell sighed. "I mean-he was here and now he's not."

"Lila is missing too." Ladybug said. Marinette had previously changed when Alya handed her her miraculous. Thanks to Chat Noir, Alya was Volpina again and Marinette was Ladybug. "Do you think she abducted him?"

Queen Bee frowned. "It's Chat Noir. Why would anyone want to rob him? More importantly, why would he let himself be stolen?"

"The exact reason-he's Chat Noir." Volpina said.

"It'll be fine." She said, interlacing his fingers with her own as they walked away from the Eiffel Tower, walked away from all their problems. The thing was, he didn't understand or remember any problems he would run away from. He didn't even recall his name but she kept repeating 'Chat Noir' so he imagined himself being just that. They stopped abruptly in the middle of the street and she, still an unknown beauty, raised their hands interlocked and looked down at his ring. "Can I take it?"

There wasn't a reason why  not to. He nodded. The girl happily smiled and took off his ring, a green zap of energy coming from his shoes, running towards his head. He could see his arm now, it was skin instead of leather. He had a white jacket and a black t-shirt with colorful lines in the middle. He had simple jeans and orange shoes with a butterfly at the side. He looked up and realized the girl had tucked the ring into her pocket.

"Don't worry, you won't need it." The girl said cheerfully and extended her hand. "We haven't properly introduced ourselves. How do I look like?"

He blinked, but started describing her. Brown hair, ponytails only picking the front parts of her hair, not the backwards, long wavy. Green starling eyes and beauty under her scowls. Fragile and slim fingers, long hands. Bright orange and a mixture of red jacket, black blouse, grey shorts, grey leggings and brown boots. She raised her brown eyebrows, perfect.

"Great. I'm Lila." Her fingers closed on his, skin touching each other. Not leather. "Your name is Adrien."

"A-Adrien?" He asked, perplexed. Why wouldn't he know his own name? "Where are we going? Why are we leaving? Don't I have family or-or someone to stay for?"

Lila whirled around and interlocked her arm with Adrien's. "No, I'm the person you would burn Paris down and your family...all of them hate you."

Adrien separated himself from Lila. "Look, I don't know what's happening but I'm not that stupid. You said your the only person I would burn Paris down for, but you just said we met. Who are you and where are you taking me?"

"I'm saving you." Lila protested, her hair flying with the cool breeze of Paris. "Why aren't you understanding that? I love you, Adrien and you love me." She closed the space between them, her breath hot on his cheek. "Have you forgotten the passion in our kiss?"

Adrien shoved Lila away, fixing his green eyes on her. "I was...I was confused. I thought you were someone else. Someone with...blue hair? I-I don't know, I'm confused. I just know I'm not supposed to be with you."

Lila scoffed. "Why not? There's nobody else in Paris that you know. I'm everything in your life, Adrien."

He shook his head, his mind aching. "Is that true?"

"Why would I ever lie to you?" She said, batting her eyelashes.

Out of nowhere, a thread wraps around Lila's waist. She cries as the string pulls her arms limp at her side. Adrien looked up to see a silhouette. The silhouette jumped from the roof to reveal a short, blue haired and blue eyed girl dressed in a ladybug suit. next to her a girl with blonde, blue eyes and a bee suit and a fox, brown hair and hazel eyed girl.  Lila groaned and looked down at the ground.

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