The fated hero rises

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*picture isn't mine* Enjoy! 

He woke up with an abrupt start. Adrien looked around to see the haunting graveyard he was in. His head pounded with ache, perhaps of the impact Chloe's purse had on his head. Oh, he would kill her when he found her. Adrien grunted as he sat up, a slim breeze making him shiver as he found the exist and walked away.

Adrien's mind hurt more than usual like they had dropped a bomb inside his head and his cells were the victims of the explosion. Everybody around him looked so...normal, happy like they didn't have a care in the world. It was odd to see the world in such dark way, but nothing in life stayed happy. Everything around him...his mind processed it differently. What did Chloe do to him? He saw a child asking for ice-cream, Adrien only saw the villain Stormy Weather.

He had to keep himself updated when he was gone, not remembering every akumatized villain around Paris, he had been one for a short moment, but nobody would tell him what turned him back, why Lady Misfortune roamed the halls. Nobody wanted to remind him of such dark past. Suddenly, people started to look like akumatized villains. A photographer passed down the street. Adrien imagined him capturing everything he saw in his camera.

He saw a man change from human to a panther and eat a person whole. 

He bumped into someone. Adrien swore and look up to see Lila worryingly looking before him. "Is Chloe with you?"

She shook her head. "She ran off chasing you and that was the last I saw of her. Killed her already? You should've saved some for me."

"No, I mostly think she killed me." Adrien said, touching the back of his head where Chloe had hit him. "Why are you dressed like that?"

Lila jerked back, hurt. "Dressed like what? Adrien, I've worn this shirt millions of times."

"No, you're dressed as a fox." Adrien described, the image of Lila with a mask and a fox outfit too real before his eyes for him to think otherwise. "You have a tail and a slim, white and orange suit and a mask that covers your face, not to mention the ears. Why the ears?"

"I'm not wearing any ears!" Lila complained, taking a step back then drew a shaky breath. "Let me guess, I have a flute instead of a book?"

"Precisely," Adrien replied, starting to pace in circles. He stopped abruptly as he turned to stare down at his hands. They weren't human hands, they were wrapped in what seemed artificial, black leather with claws like he was a cat. Adrien looked up to see his clothes which weren't normal like the ones his new helper had picked up this morning. They were filled with the same type of suit like he was some kind of superhero and he had a choker with bell. "I'm a cat."

Lila seemed at nothing to panic. "Adrien, you're a human being. You talk and walk and don't drink milk and chase mice. Are you feeling...normal?"

Adrien touched his ears that somehow seemed to grow out his golden locks in horror. "I'm a cat."

Lila sighed. "And I'm a fox? What is Chloe? A horrible snake?"

Adrien closed his eyes, trying to imagine Chloe but instead of receiving the same image he'd seen of her, he had a girl with a high ponytail, bee printed suit and tall black boots that reached to her knees. Her mask resembled too much of a bees and black, delicate, beautifully patterned wings grew out whenever she gave the call, an army at her fingers. "A bee."

Lila scoffed. "Should I call a doctor or something...?"

"You don't understand!" Adrien called, staring horrified as he grabbed a stick and dropped it to the ground, shrieking. "I'm a cat with a stick!"

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