Unknown soulmates (pt. 1)

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*picture or video aren't mine* Enjoy!

For Adrien, being Chat Noir again was like his lungs remembered how to breathe. It was like he was a technological device and he was unplugged for only a short moment. Being in the same familiar type of power made him emotionally happy like he was injected with adrenaline. At his side, Volpina, Queen Bee, Crystal and Green Shell ran with him from roof to roof. Sure, his comma had taken a lot of balance out of him, but as Chat Noir his confidence grew back like he was a stepped flower.

"If Master Fu finds us, he'll kill us." Volpina said as the five super heroes stopped abruptly, the Eiffel Tower gleaming in the distance. "I know we're not supposed to do this, but I love Ladybug. We need to get her back before she dies."

Chat Noir pulled Tikki out of his pockets and stared into her blue-bell eyes. *Thanks danny11_DHG for this idea!* "Small lady, are you sure that if we get Marinette out of the tower and you change her, she won't die?"

Tikki nodded, pleased Chat Noir had called her like that. "Yes, but I won't promise her injuries will heal, not to mention we have to find her over that maze."

"It's Ladybug." Queen Bee said, putting a hand on Chat Noir's shoulder, gazing deeply into his eyes. "It's Marinette. She's worth the risk."

Chat Noir nodded at Tikki and stuffed her back into his pocket, descending into the Eiffel Tower to find the girl that had changed his life in inexplicably ways. No matter what happened, their love would last a lifetime. They were immortal.  


"Look at you," Hawkmoth said, pacing as Marinette bangs on the glass she's trapped on. He laughed and laughed at seeing her face filled with worry. Thank god he had helped her. Marinette was sure as long as Tikki wasn't with her, she would've died below. "You think he's actually coming, right? He doesn't remember you, sweetheart. Remember? We've talked about this. He was in a comma and had permanent amnesia. He doesn't remember anything and doesn't remember your love."

"Let....let...me go." Marinette managed to choke out. He was doing something to her, she knew that. She couldn't speak like before and every movement her body emitted felt like she'd ran a marathon. Pounding on the glass wasn't helping, but she needed to let him know Chat Noir was coming for her, maybe even Adrien, one of the two would help her. She was slowly dying and not for internal bleeding Hawkmoth had fixed, but longing for a love that would never come back to her. What has she done to deserve this?

"You see, Ladybug, with every minute you spend behind that glass is a minute I absorb of your energy which will be very useful to lure your kwami. They find you because of your energy, right? Well, let's say your kwami will have a new master after today, not to mention without energy your body will wither and die." Hawkmoth said and laughed harder than before. "Bug Cat-cher, any reports of the new super heroes?"

"They haven't been around ever since Adrien fell." Natalie informed him. Marinette could barely make out some goodness in her eyes. If there was any, it'd only be sucked in the depth of her eyes. Her voice seemed to quiver whenever she talked about Adrien it surprised Marinette. After being an akumatized victim, she didn't know they could have feelings, still be able to commit an act of goodness. "I do hope he's alright, sir, you should check on him."

Hawkmoth shook his head and faced his back to Marinette. "That's ridiculous. He doesn't love me, I doubt what Isabella said to him to replace my disappearance. what if he thinks I'm dead? Better off that way. He won't come for you, Miss Ladybug."

Marinette opened her mouth to speak but Bug Cat-cher interrupted her. "Don't speak, you'll run your energy more and you'll die quicker."

Hawkmoth turned to look at his akumatized villain and raised an eyebrow. "I want the girl to talk, I need her energy as quickly as possible." Natalie seemed to wish to say something decided better of it and shut her mouth. Hawkmoth yanked a button from Natalie's hand and pressed it with his full hand. Marinette suddenly started to scream as an agonizing pain filled her body. It was like needles were entering and leaving her body repeatedly and leaving a huge amount of pain behind. She started to scream and scream and try to move her body in every possible way but her waist was pinned to a wall with a chain, her feet started to kick and her arms started to pound harder on the glass, her knuckles turning white as her screams echoed the chamber like she was suddenly in an asylum.

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