Unknown soulmates (pt.2)

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*picture isn't mine* Enjoy!

Steady breathing.

Chat Noir dodged a blow.

Steady heartbeat.

Chat Noir dodged a swing of the blade.

Steady mind.

He kicked Hawkmoth in the stomach.

Marinette hurt-uneven breathing.

Hawkmoth's fist caught his jawline.

Marinette-uneven heartbeat.

Hawkmoth blade pierced his skin, blood seeming to come out of it.

Thinking Marinette was dead-uneven mind.

Hawkmoth kicked Chat Noir in the stomach sending him hurtling away, his back hitting the wall. Chat Noir's vision went blurry for a second, everything around him moving in an abstract way until he started seeing colors. Yellow. Orange. Green. Red. Purple. He started to blink quickly his eyes were almost tired. Chat Noir struggled to his feet, his left shoulder aching and his right forearm continuing to bleed. He advanced into the fight even though his mind continued to swirl.

Chat Noir was suddenly pulled back why a gentle arm, his vision clearing. In front of him was Queen Bee, panting and looking around worriedly. "You can't go off and kill yourself like that. You need to focus on battle, hasn't Plagg taught you anything?"

Chat Noir flashed her an annoying look. "Have you met my kwami?"

"Doesn't matter," Volpina argued, entering their little circle behind a stone ruin as Bug Cat-cher rose. "We need a plan."

"Urgently," Green Shell said looking behind his shoulder. "Crystal can't keep them off all on her own. What are we going to do?"

"He wanted Marinette's energy," Volpina started, looking back at the last place were both had seen Ladybug. "Why would that be?"

"Does't matter." Chat Noir said, mimicking her. "We need to get her out of here, that's all I care about. We  don't necessarily need to fight Hawkmoth. We could leave him alone and get Marinette out. That was the main reason why we are here."

"Yes, but now that were here and Hawkmoth too, why don't we kill him already?" Volpina asked, Chat Noir trying not to flinch. "Fine, we may not kill him, but just take away his miraculous before anything bad happens."

Queen Bee nodded. "We can't kill him. Goes against our protocol remember?"

"Nous protégeons et donnons les pauvres ailes quand le mal les a déchiquetées." Chat Noir replied. "We protect and give the poor wings when evil has ripped them to shreds."

"We follow that." Green Shell said. "Yes we know that. What are we doing to do with Buggie girl over here?"

"I saw her...helping Marinette." Chat Noir explained, his teammates flashing an uneasy look. "I'm not insane-I just, I hit her with my stick, my first instinct thinking Natalie was harming her...but I think she was freeing her out of the cage."

"So, we shouldn't worry about her?" Volpina assumed. "Is that what you're saying?"

Chat Noir's lips formed into a smile. "That's exactly what I'm saying. Lean in, I have a plan."

Chat Noir fought like nothing else mattered. Like there was an open fire and he was walking freely into it, not caring if there was a way out, like he wouldn't turn into ashes. Hawkmoth fought back bravely too and in those dull and dark eyes, Chat Noir recognized a fragment of his father's grey eyes, but that fragment would always drown in the darkness around it. The fire is all Chat Noir knew. 

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