Theater Madness (pt. 2)

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"What is happening?" Ladybug, for the first time looked like she might actually explode. Chat Noir next to her couldn't stop staring at her, which wasn't strange at all; he was always looking at her, but this time with another sort of gentleness and tenderness. She wanted to put his intense green eyes aside for a while. Harley Quinn type of girl entered the room and with a flicker of her hand all the people she had in her control turned to stone.

Both Ladybug and Chat Noir gasped.

"Now were fighting Medusa?" Chat Noir asked and groaned in desesperation. "That's not fair, I didn't see the snakes!"

'Harley Quinn' laughed. "Ladybug, such a tragedy you woke up from my spell! I am Theater Madness and I am here to take away your cat."

"My cat?" Ladybug asked, taken aback. Chat Noir just gazed at her, lost perhaps, then with the realization she muttered, "Jasmine."

"I'm not Jasmine!" she replied, a huge hammer appearing out of her hand and resting on her shoulders. Ladybug backed away slowly. "Chat Noir will be mine after I'm done with you."

"No worries, his yours." 

"LADYBUG!" Chat Noir yelled looking at her awfully hurt.

She winked, he nodded.

Jasmine walked over to Chat Noir and wrapped her hand around his. Ladybug could see through his eyes how uncomfortable he was, Chat Noir continued to shake. Theater Madness laughed and laughed until a cloud around her formed, taking away the sick spell she landed on the audience, slowly turning back from stone. The green cloud started to take hold of Chat Noir and Theater Madness and soon, without her knowing, they disappeared into nothing.

"That was an utter disaster." Tikki said sitting carefully on Marinette's desk. 

She counted the minutes until she could transform again. "If it wasn't for Chat Noir, you and I would still be trapped under Theater's Madness spell-we could've even be turned to stone!"

"I'm eating as fast as I can." Tikki said, her mouth filled with cookies. "How'd you think he woke you up?"

"Slapping me across the face?" Marinette guessed, then sighed. "I deserved it."

"Don't say that. Chat Noir would never hurt you; and it wasn't your fault that you were hypnotized. After all, Jasmine took hold of everyone that was watching the play. Don't give yourself too many negative thoughts, you don't need them." Tikki advised and Marinette nodded, though the hole in her heart remained.

Chat Noir had made every possible thing to save her but she was still reluctant in saving him. Why? Ladybug knew Chat Noir would go through hell and back just for the benefit of one kiss on the cheek, he would never give up until Ladybug claimed her love for him, which would never happen because of Adrian and his sweet blonde hair and green eyes...almost simliars to Chat Noir.

"Anyway," Marinette said, pushing her thoughts aside. "Are you ready?"

"We don't even know where they are." Tikki complained but Marinette had various ideas. Tikki sighed. "Very well."

"Tikki, spots on!" Marinette yelled.

"I've never noticed you had such green eyes!" Theater Madness said, gazing at Chat Noir from the end of the tabe. Thank god for the table; it was the only thing keeping them apart. He would shake every time she came too close and would immediately put his walls very high up. Nobody would reach them besides Ladybug and maybe...

"Thank you?" Chat Noir said looking down at his food. They were in the mayor's hotel, in the restaurant, Chloe being their main waitress. He didn't like her too much, but he knew the real Chloe would just complain and protest of moving a finger. "What are we doing here?"

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